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  File Editors and Viewers Technical Updates [Page: 15 of 66] @ TACKtech Corp.  

10.09.2013 - Softland: doPDF gn and a new build (doPDF 7.3.393)

View doPDF related news. doPDF is a free PDF converter for both personal and commercial use. Using doPDF you can create searchable PDF files by selecting the print command from virtually any application. With one click you can convert your Microsoft Excel, Word or PowerPoint documents or your emails and favorite web sites to PDF files.

doPDF installs itself as a virtual printer driver so after a successful installation will appear in your Printers and Faxes list. To cr
Full View / NID: 46063 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

09.29.2013 - Notepad++ v6.5

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 46099 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

08.09.2013 - Notepad++ v6.4.5

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 46098 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

08.08.2013 - Notepad++ v6.4.4

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 46097 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

07.28.2013 - Notepad++ v6.4.3

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 46096 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

07.08.2013 - Notepad++ v6.4.2

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 46095 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

06.30.2013 - Notepad++ v6.4.1

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 46094 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

06.29.2013 - Notepad++ v6.4

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 46093 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

06.24.2013 - SweetScape: 010 Editor - The Professional Text/Hex Editor v5.0.0

View 010Editor related news. 010 Editor is a professional-grade text editor and hex editor designed to quickly and easily edit any file or drive on your computer. Combining an easy-to-use interface with a whole range of editing tools, 010 Editor is a valuable tool for anyone working with text or binary files.
Full View / NID: 70402 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

06.19.2013 - Scooter Software, Inc.: Beyond Compare 3.3.8, build 16340 (v3.3.8.16340)

View Beyond-Compare related news. Beyond Compare allows you to quickly and easily compare your files and folders. By using simple, powerful commands you can focus on the differences you're interested in and ignore those you're not. You can then merge the changes, synchronize your files, and generate reports for your records.
Full View / NID: 50669 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

05.05.2013 - Notepad++ v6.3.3

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 46092 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

05.02.2013 - Giveaway: 5 licenses for System Mechanic Pro

View novaPDF related news.

iolo technologies, the company that develops the popular all-in-one PC tune-up program System Mechanic, agreed to provide us 5 licenses for their professional version to organize a giveaway for our readers. The rules are simple, as with the previously organized … Continue reading →

The post Giveaway: 5 licenses for System Mechanic Professional appeared first on The novaPDF Blog.

Full View / NID: 45017 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

04.03.2013 - DivX Labs: DivX for Windows 9.1.0

View DivX related news. The DivX Player plays every DivX video ever created, including purchased or rented DivX movies, DivX HD files, and videos created with advanced features such as menus, subtitles and more. In addition, the DivX Player now allows you to publish videos directly to Stage6. Of course, you can also still burn your DivX movies to disc to play them directly on your TV using a DivX certified device.
Full View / NID: 44851 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

04.02.2013 - Notepad++ v6.3.2

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 44844 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

03.20.2013 - SweetScape: 010 Editor - The Professional Text/Hex Editor v4.0.4

View 010Editor related news. 010 Editor is a professional-grade text editor and hex editor designed to quickly and easily edit any file or drive on your computer. Combining an easy-to-use interface with a whole range of editing tools, 010 Editor is a valuable tool for anyone working with text or binary files.
Full View / NID: 45226 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

03.17.2013 - Notepad++ v6.3.1

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 44735 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

03.07.2013 - Scooter Software, Inc.: Beyond Compare 3.3.7, build 15075 (v3.3.7.15876)

View Beyond-Compare related news. Beyond Compare allows you to quickly and easily compare your files and folders. By using simple, powerful commands you can focus on the differences you're interested in and ignore those you're not. You can then merge the changes, synchronize your files, and generate reports for your records.
Full View / NID: 44721 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

02.20.2013 - Adobe: Acrobat Reader XI (11.0.2)

View Adobe related news. Adobe Reader software is the global standard for electronic document sharing. It is the only PDF file viewer that can open and interact with all PDF documents. Use Adobe Reader to view, search, digitally sign, verify, print, and collaborate on Adobe PDF files.
Full View / NID: 44582 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

02.03.2013 - Notepad++ v6.3

View Notepad-plus related news. Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL License.
Full View / NID: 44727 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

01.29.2013 - TopStyle

View TopStyle related news. Looking for a powerful tool for creating standards-compliant sites? Consider TopStyle, the world famous HTML-editor. You can edit your HTML, XHTML and CSS in a single program. The program offers many unique features, including the option to upgrade your HTML documents by replacing outdated markup with equivalent styling. You can also convert HTML to XHTML and check your CSS syntax against multiple browsers, using a side-by-side preview. A harmonious colors feature allows you to easily create pleasant color schemes for your site and more. TopStyle offers complete site management with the built-in File Explorer, clip libraries and resource manager and integrates with existing web authoring tools.
Full View / NID: 44395 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
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