An identified security issue in Windows Media Player 9 Series could allow an attacker to see certain information on your computer after you viewed a Web page. For instance, this issue could allow an attacker to view information about your Windows Media Player Media Library and modify it. By installing this update, you can help protect your computer.
Full View / NID: 895 / Submitted by: Travis
LindowsOS is a new, fun and exciting operating system that delivers the power, stability and cost-savings of Linux with the ease of a windows environment. LindowsOS is easy to experience because of its friendly graphical interface and support for popular Microsoft Windows file types (.doc, .xls, .ppt, .jpg, .gif, .mp3, etc.).
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A kernel rollup hotfix package is available for Windows XP and Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1). The kernel rollup hotfix package replaces the hotfixes that are listed in the Hotfix Replacement Information section later in this article, and it corrects the following issues
Full View / NID: 882 / Submitted by: Travis
It seems that the Launch Site button is only working for some at the moment but could be fully functional very soon. The most interesting of features is the File Sharing part. Users can now easily share files and the other users have the chance to download these or not.
Full View / NID: 871 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
According to the article, a program that uses large mapped file views to share information between two processes may experience a significant performance decrease. The performance degradation occurs in the UnmapViewOfFile function. This problem occurs if you install Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) on an Intel Pentium 4 computer that has more than one logical processor.
Full View / NID: 863 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
Microsoft urges users not to run leaked beta versions of its forthcoming MSN Messenger Version 6 instant messaging application because the software is not ready for consumer use.
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Although Microsoft may continue to provide security and performance updates, no major new releases are planned, Microsoft Product Manager Jessica Sommer told CNET News.com. Sommer said that, with the emergence of Apple's Safari browser, Microsoft felt that customers were better served by using Apple's browser, noting that Microsoft does not have the access to the Macintosh operating system that it would need to compete.
Full View / NID: 854 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
Thanks Mess with MSN Messenger, According to CNET News.com, a Microsoft memo penned by Blake Irving, vice president of MSN's communications division, stated 2 million copies of the "private" MSN 6 beta have already been downloaded.
Calling it "totally addictive" and citing his 14-year-old sister-in-law as one surprise beta tester, Irving heralded the product's viral appeal: "We have seen unprecedented global consumer enthusiasm for this version," Irving wrote.
A Microsoft representative declined to comment on the memo and would not offer a timeframe for version 6's public test release.
Full View / NID: 852 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
Keyser Soze informs Flexbeta that he has released a Windows XP Pre-SP2 Security Pack. This pack includes security hotfixes which are essential to Windows XP. If you have just installed Windows XP and havent visited Windows update, this pack will save you tons of time. It must be stated that this is not supported by Microsoft, this is an unofficial Service Pack for Windows XP. Download links are available below.
Full View / NID: 840 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
FreeBSD is an advanced operating system for x86 compatible, DEC Alpha, and PC-98 architectures. It is derived from BSD UNIX, the version of UNIX developed at the University of California, Berkeley. It is developed and maintained by a large team of individuals. Additional platforms are in various stages of development.
Full View / NID: 836 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
This update adds a new icon for the "Set Program Access and Defaults" feature to the second column of the Start menu. It also adds a Help button and help content. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
Full View / NID: 829 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
The great debate whether or not MSN Messenger 6 build 0263 is "fake" is over this evening on the net. A day of MSN Messenger 6 leaks and general fun has sent everyone dizzy. A source close to Neowin has confirmed this build to be real but missing a US installer.
Full View / NID: 826 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
According to WinBeta a new build of Messenger 6 has leaked onto the Internet.
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Microsoft released a set of links for, your favorite messaging program, Messenger 6.0. The links aren't ready yet, but they are there none the less, have a boo at the site, and stay tuned for an active link.
Full View / NID: 824 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
This is a cumulative patch that includes the functionality of all previously released patches for Internet Explorer 5.01, 5.5 and 6.0. In addition, it eliminates two newly discovered vulnerabilities:
Full View / NID: 822 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
Enjoy fast and flexible music and video playback with Windows Media Player 9 Series. Over 120 new features including Fast Streaming for instant-on playback, and Mini-player mode make this the best player yet. The latest version for Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, and best experienced with Windows XP! Now Enjoy their patch to build .3005 !
Full View / NID: 817 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
FreeBSD is an advanced operating system for x86 compatible, DEC Alpha, and PC-98 architectures. It is derived from BSD UNIX, the version of UNIX developed at the University of California, Berkeley. It is developed and maintained by a large team of individuals. Additional platforms are in various stages of development.
Full View / NID: 815 / Submitted by: Travis
Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) provides the latest security and reliability updates to the Windows XP family of operating systems. Windows XP SP2 is designed to ensure Windows XP platform compatibility with newly released software and hardware, and includes updates that resolve issues discovered by customers or by Microsoft's internal testing team.
Full View / NID: 811 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
On May 28th, Microsoft released the initial version of this bulletin, rating the severity of the vulnerability as Moderate. Subsequent to that release we have determined that the actions an attacker could take as a result of exploiting this vulnerability could include the ability to execute arbitrary code. As a result Microsoft has reissued this bulletin and changed the severity rating to Important. The original corrects the vulnerability and is not being re-released.
Full View / NID: 802 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
There is a flaw in the way the kernel passes error messages to a debugger. A vulnerability results because an attacker could write a program to exploit this flaw and run code of their choice. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to take any action on the system including deleting data, adding accounts with administrative access, or reconfiguring the system.
Full View / NID: 789 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance