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07.16.2005 - web|works and php|works 2005 Program Online

View PHP related news. The full program of php/web|works 2005, a three-day conference on PHP and web technologies is available. The event will take place in Toronto, Canada, the birthplace of PHP, between September 14 and September 16. This year's speakers include Rasmus Lerdorf, Derick Rethans, Wez Furlong, John Coggeshall, Ilia Alshanetsky and many more. An early-bird special discount is in effect until August 1st, and special pricing is available for students, member of academia and non-profit organizations.
Full View / NID: 7289 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

07.14.2005 - PHP 5.1 Beta 3 Available

View PHP related news. PHP 5.1 Beta 3 is now available! If all goes well, this beta release will be followed by a release candidate within a couple of weeks. Some of the key improvements of PHP 5.1 include: PDO (PHP Data Objects) - A new native database abstraction layer providing performance, ease-of-use, and flexibility. Significantly improved language performance mainly due to the new Zend Engine II execution architecture. The PCRE extension has been updated to PCRE 5.0. Many more improvements including lots of new functionality & many bug fixes, especially in regards to SOAP, streams and SPL. See the bundled NEWS file for a more complete list of changes. Everyone is encouraged to download and test this beta, although it is not yet recommended for mission-critical production use.
Full View / NID: 7276 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

07.12.2005 - Caphyon Ltd.: Advanced Installer 3.0.1

View Caphyon related news. Advanced Installer 3.0.1 was released on July 12th, 2005
Full View / NID: 36702 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

07.11.2005 - Caphyon Ltd.: Advanced Installer 3.0

View Caphyon related news. Advanced Installer 3.0 was released on July 11th, 2005
Full View / NID: 36703 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

07.11.2005 - PHP 4.4.0 Released

View PHP related news. The PHP Development Team would like to announce the immediate release of PHP 4.4.0. This is a maintenance release that addresses a serious memory corruption problem within PHP concerning references. If references were used in a wrong way, PHP would often create memory corruptions which would not always surface and be visible. The increased middle digit was required because the fix that corrected the problem with references changed PHP's internal API. PHP 4.4.0 does not have any new features, and is solely a bugfix release. A separate release announcement is also available. For changes in PHP 4.4.0 since PHP 4.3.11, please consult the PHP 4 ChangeLog.
Full View / NID: 7234 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

07.01.2005 - PEAR XML_RPC Vulnerability and PHP 4.4.0RC2 release

View PHP related news. An easily exploitable security issue was discovered in PEAR XML_RPC <= 1.3.0. We recommend that users of this PEAR class immediately upgrade to the latest version with: pear upgrade XML_RPC The same security problem exists in many other XML RPC implementations, please check if the installed applications that you use might have a similar problem. The new PEAR XML_RPC package is also bundled with the second release candidation of PHP 4.4.0RC2. Besides this new PEAR package there are two minor issues fixed since PHP 4.4.0RC1. As the improved reference support in PHP 4.4 might show as notices and warnings in your existing applications - in cases where PHP formerly just silently ignored this and often causing memory corruptions - we also recommend to test PHP 4.4.0RC2 with your applications. The final release is planned for July 11th. PHP 4.4.0RC2 can be found here.
Full View / NID: 7136 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

06.23.2005 - PHP 5.1 Beta 2 Available

View PHP related news. PHP 5.1 Beta 2 is now available! A lot of work has been put into this upcoming release and we believe it is ready for public testing. Some of the key improvements of PHP 5.1 include: PDO (PHP Data Objects) - A new native database abstraction layer providing performance, ease-of-use, and flexibility. Significantly improved language performance mainly due to the new Zend Engine II execution architecture. The PCRE extension has been updated to PCRE 5.0. Many more improvements including lots of new functionality & many bug fixes, especially in regards to SOAP, streams and SPL. See the bundled NEWS file for a more complete list of changes. Everyone is encouraged to start playing with this beta, although it is not yet recommended for mission-critical production use.
Full View / NID: 7064 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

06.23.2005 - Zend/PHP Conference 2005 Call For Papers Ending Soon!

View PHP related news. The deadline for the Zend/PHP Conference & Expo 2005 Call For Papers is ending soon, interested speakers should submit session proposals between now and June 30, 2005. Visit the conference website for more information about the conference or if you are interested in submitting a session proposal. The conference is taking place at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport on October 18-21, 2005. The theme of the conference will be "Power Your Business With PHP" and will feature sessions in the following four tracks: The Business Case for PHP; Developing, Deploying and Managing Large-Scale PHP Applications; Integrating PHP with the Enterprise (including Web Services and XML); and PHP Resources: Tools, Libraries and Techniquies. Early registration discounts are available until August 15, 2005.
Full View / NID: 7056 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

06.19.2005 - Nullsoft (SuperPiMP|Scriptable) Install System 2.07

View NSIS related news. NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a tool that allows programmers to create such installers for Windows. It is released under an open source license and is completely free for any use.
Full View / NID: 7014 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

06.14.2005 - PHP 4.4.0RC1 Available

View PHP related news. We just released the first release candidate for PHP 4.4.0. This is a bug-fix only release, the increased middle digit is needed because this release changes PHP's Internal API that causes existing third-party binary extensions to be incompatible with the new version. This release address a major problem within PHP concerning references. If references where used in a wrong way, PHP would often create memory corruptions which would not always surface and be visible. In other cases it can cause variables and objects to change type or class. If you encountered strange behavior like this, this release might fix it. Besides addressing this reference related bug, 46 other bugs are fixed. Please test this release and report any bugs or problems in our bugsystem (after searching first). You can find 4.4.0 RC1 at
Full View / NID: 6940 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

06.10.2005 - PHP 5.1 Beta 1 Available

View PHP related news. PHP 5.1 Beta 1 is now available! A lot of work has been put into this upcoming release and we believe it is ready for public testing. Some of the key improvements of PHP 5.1 include: PDO (PHP Data Objects) - A new native database abstraction layer providing performance, ease-of-use, and flexibility. Significantly improved performance including a new Zend Engine II execution architecture. The PCRE extension has been updated to PCRE 5.0. Many more improvements including lots of new functionality & many bug fixes, especially in regards to SOAP, streams and SPL. See the bundled NEWS file for a more complete list of changes. Everyone is encouraged to start playing with this beta, although it is not yet recommended for mission-critical production use.
Full View / NID: 6896 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

06.08.2005 - 10 years since PHP 1.0 was released!

View PHP related news. It has been 10 years since Rasmus released the first version of PHP. To everyone that has helped to shape PHP into what it is today; from the people developing the core and extensions, documentors, script developers, bug reporters, beta testers, PHP application developers and even just people that are using PHP—Thank you!
Full View / NID: 6850 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

06.07.2005 - php|works and web|works Call for Papers

View PHP related news. The publishers of php|architect magazine have announced php|works and web|works 2005--two three-day conferences dedicated to PHP and web development that will take place simultaneously in Toronto, Canada, between September 14 and September 16, 2005. A Call for Papers is in effect until June 27th and the organizers are welcoming talk proposals from the community. The conferences also feature an "early-early bird" special offer with additional savings for signups before July 1st. Special pricing is also available for students, members of academia and non-profit organizations.
Full View / NID: 6833 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

06.02.2005 - International PHP Conference 2005 Call for Papers

View PHP related news. The traditional International PHP Conference 2005 will take place from November 6th to November 9th 2005 at Frankfurt/Main, Germany. The Call for Papers has been issued, if you have an interesting talk the organisers would love to hear from you. You can expect a gathering of PHP experts and the PHP core developers.The conference website will be updated in the next few days.
Full View / NID: 6761 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

06.01.2005 - Forum AFUP 2005 Call for Papers

View PHP related news. The AFUP, Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP, is proud to announce the forum PHP 2005. For this unique event in France, we are looking for the best French speaking experts, who want to share their know-how and enthusiasm. The forum PHP features 2 days, with distinct themas : Technical day, with the most advanced PHP technics Business day, with user cases and sucessful projects The forum PHP 2005 will take place in Paris, at the SNH (Société Nationale d'Orthiculture), on thursday 8th and friday 9th, November 2005.
Full View / NID: 6731 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

05.28.2005 - Nullsoft (SuperPiMP|Scriptable) Install System Pre-release 2.07 Beta 0

View NSIS related news. NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a tool that allows programmers to create such installers for Windows. It is released under an open source license and is completely free for any use.
Full View / NID: 6700 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

05.20.2005 - Caphyon Ltd.: Advanced Installer 2.6.5

View Caphyon related news. Advanced Installer 2.6.5 was released on May 20th, 2005
Full View / NID: 36704 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.20.2005 - CfP PHP Track - (AUUG) Annual Conference

View PHP related news. For the first time the AUUG will incorporate a PHP Track as part of its annual conference in Sydney, Australia. For this track we seek tutorials and presentations. Tutorials are on October 16 to 18 and presentations on October 19 to 21. For information on how to submit a proposal we kindly point you to our CfP which you can find on our website. The deadline for proposals is May 27. In case you want more information, email Derick or Arjen.
Full View / NID: 6626 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

05.11.2005 - Caphyon Ltd.: Advanced Installer 2.6.4

View Caphyon related news. Advanced Installer 2.6.4 was released on May 11th, 2005
Full View / NID: 36705 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.11.2005 - PHP West Security Conference in Vancouver, BC

View PHP related news. Open Source Events is hosting their second conference on June 11th, 2005 in Vancouver, British Columbia. The conference will focus on PHP and Open Source Security. Featured talks will be presented by Bruce Perens, Chris Shiflett, Christian Wenz, Tom Robinson and Chris Hubbard. The conference is a single day - one track event where attendees will receive a free t-shirt, lunch, and full access to the full day of talks with the purchase of their ticket. A number of free prizes will be given away at the closing ceremonies.
Full View / NID: 6540 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron
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