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  System Utility Technical Updates [Page: 81 of 91] @ TACKtech Corp.  

12.03.2003 - ElcomSoft: Advanced Office Password Breaker v1.31

View ElcomSoft related news. Advanced Office Password Breaker, or AOPB for short, is a program to decrypt Word and Excel 97/2000 files that have file open protection set, as well as Word and Excel XP files with default (Office 97/2000 compatible) encryption - guaranteed, regardless the password length and complexity. This is being done by trying all possible encryption keys (instead of brute-force and dictionary attacks) and takes only about two weeks on single Pentium III/1000 PC (or just four-five days on faster dual-CPU systems).
Full View / NID: 1840 / Submitted by: Travis

12.01.2003 - Totalidea Software: Tweak-XP Pro 3.0.2

View TweakXP related news. The tweaking and optimizing software for Windows® XP. Unlike other tweaking utilities, Tweak-XP Pro bundles more than 42 different utilities in one: it was developed to combine both tweaking and optimizing features to increase the speed of your Windows XP system. Tweak-XP Pro v3.0 has lots of new useful features to improve the performance of your Windows XP system.
Full View / NID: 1821 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

11.29.2003 - Magellass Corp.: MemMonster 4.25

View Magellass-MemMonster related news. This is a quick and easy utility for solving memory management problems in Windows. Programs allocate themselves a certain amount of memory when in use, but these allocations can remain after the program is closed. MemMonster frees up this Ram and removes any superfluous DLL files.
Full View / NID: 1814 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

11.28.2003 - Totalidea Software: Tweak-XP Pro 3.0.1a

View TweakXP related news. The tweaking and optimizing software for Windows® XP. Unlike other tweaking utilities, Tweak-XP Pro bundles more than 42 different utilities in one: it was developed to combine both tweaking and optimizing features to increase the speed of your Windows XP system. Tweak-XP Pro v3.0 has lots of new useful features to improve the performance of your Windows XP system.
Full View / NID: 1807 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

11.28.2003 - ElcomSoft: Advanced EFS Data Recovery 1.31

View ElcomSoft related news. Advanced EFS Data Recovery (or simply AEFSDR) is a program to recover (decrypt) files encrypted on NTFS (EFS) partitions created in Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Files are being decrypted even in a case when the system is not bootable and so you cannot log on, and/or some encryption keys have been tampered. Besides, decryption is possible even when Windows is protected using SYSKEY. AEFSDR effectively (and instantly) decrypts the files protected under Windows XP (prior to SP1) and all versions of Windows 2000 (including Service Packs 1, 2, 3 and 4).
Full View / NID: 1805 / Submitted by: Travis

11.26.2003 - Adobe: ICC profiles for Windows

View Adobe related news. Adobe wants its customers to get the most consistent, highest quality color output available. We understand that for this to happen, color information must be shared by many people, from original creator to final publisher, either on press, in a Web browser, or through another imaging device. For this reason we are supplying our ICC profiles as a free download for graphics professionals to use across their workflows..
Full View / NID: 1795 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

11.26.2003 - Have you tested your Hard Drive(s) lately?

View HardDrive related news. Test your hard drives to be sure they are in working order. Download the latest diagnostic software for hard drives manufactured by Maxtor (Quantum), Fujistu, Hitachi (IBM), Samsung, Seagate, and Western Digital.
Full View / NID: 1793 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

11.26.2003 - ElcomSoft: Proactive Windows Security Explorer 1.0 Beta 2 (build 1126)

View ElcomSoft related news. Proactive Windows Security Explorer™ (PWSEX™) is a password security test tool that's designed to allow Windows® NT, Windows® 2000, and Windows® XP-based systems administrators to identify and close security holes in their networks.
Full View / NID: 1789 / Submitted by: Travis

11.23.2003 - Magellass Corp.: MemMonster 4.20

View Magellass-MemMonster related news. This is a quick and easy utility for solving memory management problems in Windows. Programs allocate themselves a certain amount of memory when in use, but these allocations can remain after the program is closed. MemMonster frees up this Ram and removes any superfluous DLL files.
Full View / NID: 1764 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

11.20.2003 - Fresh UI 6.65

View FreshDevices related news. Fresh UI is a fresh solution for configuring and optimizing Windows. Loaded with hundreds of useful hidden settings in Windows XP/2000/NT/ 98/95/Me, this software covers the customizing and optimizing techniques that you'll be glad to know.
Full View / NID: 1749 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

11.19.2003 - Tray Helper 3.8

View TrayHelper related news. It's a SMALL Windows application that takes only ONE place next to your tray system clock, 'eats' only a little of memory and CPU power but can: remind YOU about all YOUR meetings, important events, birthdays etc.. check all YOUR e-mail accounts (up to 50 !) in background auto-delete spam messages on these accounts, important messages can be forwarded to your mobile device. There is also a build in auto-responder. watch your browser's windows and kill all unwanted pop-ups.
Full View / NID: 1745 / Submitted by: Travis

11.19.2003 - ElcomSoft: Advanced RAR Password Recovery v1.50

View ElcomSoft related news. Advanced RAR Password Recovery (or simply ARPR) can be used to recover lost or forgotten passwords for a RAR/WinRar archives. Unfortunately, there is no known method to extract the password from the compressed file; so the only available methods are brute-force and dictionary-based attacks.
Full View / NID: 1740 / Submitted by: Travis

11.16.2003 - Efreesky Software: MagicTweak 2.70

View Efreesky-MagicTweak related news. MagicTweak is a special program designed to optimize and personalize Microsoft Windows. It provides one-stop, instant access to a variety of Windows settings that can be altered for a friendlier Windows environment.This unique software makes it easy to tweak hundreds of hidden settings in Windows XP/2000/Me/98, so there is no longer any need to dig through the registry looking for that specific setting (from Start Menu,Desktop,IE skin,System Icon to System Security) that just doesn't seem to be there. With the ability to customize almost any aspect of Windows, you can become a Windows expert almost instantly!
Full View / NID: 1725 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

11.15.2003 - Fresh View 1.00

View FreshDevices related news. Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. It gives you the ability to watch movies, listen to music, and view graphics in a slide show. Converts graphics from one type to another, prints, and create an HTML album. This software is 100% free, no ads, no spyware.
Full View / NID: 1722 / Submitted by: Travis

11.13.2003 - Magellass Corp.: Internet Tweak 4.35

View Magellass-InternetTweak related news. Internet Tweak is a special utility designed to personalize Internet secret settings in Windows Me/98/95/2000/XP, such as: optimize connection performance, access a lot of Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, and Netscape secret settings. In addition you will get hundreds of tips that will boost your browser and e-mail applications performance and productivity.
Full View / NID: 1714 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

11.13.2003 - Magellass Corp.: WinBoost 4.56

View Magellass-WinBoost related news. WinBoost 4 is a special utility designed to boost Windows XP/2000/Millennium Edition (ME)/98 Second Edition/98/95 performance and productivity. Using easy to use graphical user interface you can configure hundreds of Windows hidden settings from Start Menu, Desktop, Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer, etc.
Full View / NID: 1713 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

11.12.2003 - Futuremark Corporation: 3DMark03 Build 340 / Patch

View Futuremark related news. Benchmark Structure . 3DMark03 is a collection of 3D tests. These include a set of four game tests; these are the only tests used to calculate the overall 3DMark03 score. The benchmark also includes a set of CPU, feature, image quality, and sound tests. Each of these tests measures specific 3D-related functionality, but their result is not included in the overall score. They do not fall into the target usage, but are included to allow the user to evaluate these features. The CPU test is a convenient way to measure the performance of the CPU for typical 3D usage. The feature tests isolate the performance of key 3D features primarily relating to shader technologies. The next set of tests is an exciting new addition to 3DMark: the 3D sound tests. These evaluate the impact of 3D sound sources on 3D graphics performance. The software also includes a set of much-improved image quality tools. These provide a powerful way to ensure integrity of the graphics hardware and drivers.
Full View / NID: 9313 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

11.11.2003 - Executive Software: Undelete Server Edition 4.0.096

View DiskeeperCorporation related news. Undelete Server Edition 4.0 How valuable is the data on your servers and PCs? What if you or your users lost a critical accounting file, a major report, or even digital snapshots of the family? The Windows Recycle Bin doesn’t catch every deleted file - including files deleted over a network. If a file is accidentally or maliciously deleted, it could be gone forever! NEW Undelete 4.0 is more than a file-recovery utility - it provides real-time data protection with instant recovery for your servers and workstations. If your data is important and valuable, you need Undelete!
Full View / NID: 2809 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

11.10.2003 - Microsoft: Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 to Manufacturing To Ease Customer Migration to Windows XP

View VPC related news. REDMOND, Wash. -- Nov. 10, 2003 -- Microsoft Corp. today announced the release to manufacturing (RTM) of Microsoft® Virtual PC 2004, a desktop virtual machine solution to help technical professionals migrate legacy applications to Windows® XP. Scheduled to be available by the end of 2003, Microsoft Virtual PC offers customers a cost-effective safety net to ease their migration to Microsoft Windows XP Professional and a tool to help accelerate the development, testing, deployment and support of PC applications. Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 allows enterprise customers to run multiple operating systems on one PC, so employees can run critical legacy applications on an interim basis while information technology (IT) professionals proceed with the migration to Windows XP Professional.
Full View / NID: 1693 / Submitted by: Kevin

11.09.2003 - TrueSoft: True Launch Bar Beta

View TrueLaunchBar related news. True Launch Bar is a Superior replacement for the standard Quick Launch bar. All functions presented in Quick Launch are also in True Launch Bar. However, the True Launch Bar is fully compatible with Quick Launch because it uses the same folder for shortcuts. But there is one huge difference. True Launch Bar allows you to combine your shortcuts into groups. This feature looks like popup menus. This vastly improves the management of your shortcuts and save working space on your desktop. By using True Launch Bar, you speedup the launching of your applications like never before.
Full View / NID: 1691 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
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