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Your Technical Computer Information Resource!   Volunteers  
TACKtech Corp. > Articles > Company > TACKtech Corp. Volunteers (TTID #138)

Author: TACKtech Corp.   Views: 21,392 /  Created: May 5, 2002

TACKtech Corp. would like to take the time to show our appreciation to the volunteers whom have contributed their time and talents to

Thank You

Olmari, we can not thank you enough for your dedication to the website. Initially, you began working on expanding and maintaining the Hardware Manufacturer Database. When we mentioned requiring assistance in other areas, you promptly accepted the responsibilities of posting product releases and keeping the Bios/Firmware Update List current. [04.26.2004 - Present]

Sarrgon for posting press releases and other technical related news. [07.10.2006 - Present]

Anthony for your news posting and grammar checking. [09.21.2003 - Present]

Megan for posting some of the larger companies press releases. [05.03.2005 - 02.22.2006]

Zero_Tolerance for moderating our forums and posting news. [01.09.2003 - 09.06.2005]

ALaughingMatter for expanding and maintaining the Software Manufacturer Database. [05.01.2004 - Late 2004]

Gary for assisting in the forming of the game relating areas.

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