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  Create Shut down/Restart/Log Off Windows Shortcuts (98/ME)  
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Create Shut down/Restart/Log Off Windows Shortcuts (98/ME) (TTID #179)

Author: Kevin   Views: 33,218 /  Created: September 10, 2000
1.) Right Click on the Desktop.

2.) Click New > Shortcut.

3.) Type C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,SHExitWindowsEx X in the Command line: text box where X is one of the following values: *

0= Log off
1= Shut down
2= Restart Windows
4= Force all running processes to terminate
8= Exits Windows, then turns off the computer’s power (If power-off is supported by the computer).
-1= Restart Explorer

4.) Click the Next > button.

* Note: In this example Windows is installed in the folder C:\WINDOWS.

Type the name of your shortcut in the Select a name for the shortcut: text box.

Click the Finish button.

The end result is something similar to this.

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