A+ GPB Enterprises Inc is not a commonly used name. We obtained one of their cases to review to see if their name should be heard more often.

Cases have evolved a lot over time. There used to only be beige plain cases now there are many different variations in cases ranging from the original beige color to metallic green, windowed cases, different sizes, and more. In this review today, I will review the CA-AP107 from A+ GPB Enterprises Inc. The AC-AP107 is a medium sized ATX case with a 400-Watt power supply unit, side window, colored LED fan, and more.

Technical Specifications |
Motherboard Type |
Case Type |
Driver Space 5.25' External |
4 |
Driver Space 3.50' External |
Driver Space 3.50' Internal |
4 |
Expansion Slots |
7 |
Dimensions (WxHxD) |
200x430x440mm |

Opening of the Box:
Upon opening the box, I noticed that the entire front part of the case was broken. The plastic pieces that had joined the front of the case to the actual case part were cracked (I do not know if upon shipment of the box it was cracked or if it was back at the A+ GPB Enterprises Inc). After that, I thoroughly examined the rest of the case to make sure nothing else had been broken and nothing else had been damaged. After examination of the plastic that had once joined the front of the case to the other part of the case I had noticed, that the plastic was cheaply made.