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  Creating an unattended installation of Windows 2000/XP/.NET (Part 1)  
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Creating an unattended installation of Windows 2000/XP/.NET (Part 1) (TTID #202)

Author: Travis   Views: 221,508 /  Created: November 1, 2002
This is Part 1 of Creating an unattended installation of Windows 2000/XP/.NET.
- View Creating an unattended installation of Windows 2000/XP/.NET (Part 2)

A list of things you will need.
1. Windows 2000 CD
2. file either from Windows 2000 or Windows XP. The XP version is much nicer and I will show you how to use that version. You can download it here
3. A CD Writer

Note: Yellow Cursor is options we used, blue is alternative options that you can use.
Note 2: You can read the /Support/Tools/ for all documented options in the unattended file you create.
Note 3: You can download the Windows XP SP1 updated file from Microsoft. This will doesn't support Windows 2000 but does support XP and .NET

First thing you need to do is run the setupmgr.exe file from the file.

Next we start the wizard.

This step allows you to create a new unattended file or edit an old one. Click Next.

Select the Windows Unattended Installation. Click Next.

Select the Windows version of your choice.
(Note: The Windows 2000 version will also work for Windows Professional).

Click Next.

Select Fully Automated. Click Next.

The next screen you can choose to have a distribution directory which isn't too use full but the option is there. We do not in this example. Click Next.

Agree to the EULA. Click Next.

Enter your User Name and Organization. Click Next.

Choose the Colors / Screen Resolution / Refresh Rate for your monitor. Click Next.

Select your Time Zone and click Next.

Enter your Product Key. Click Next.
Note:Use your own Product Key.

Select Per Server or Per Seat for Licensing Mode. Click Next.

Enter a computer name. Click Add. Click Next.

Enter and confirm an Administrator password. You can also tell the install to auto-logon the first time the computer starts up. Click Next.

- View Creating an unattended installation of Windows 2000/XP/.NET (Part 2)

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