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  Stop Mysterious Popup Ads in Windows 2000  
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Stop Mysterious Popup Ads in Windows 2000 (TTID #205)

Author: Travis   Views: 54,177 /  Created: October 30, 2002
Have you suddenly seen pop-up's in Windows 2000 about porn and/or other forms of advertising? Well this is a new Security issue. There is a couple ways to stop these from popping up. The first way is a bit advanced if you don't know what your doing. But you can block TCP/UDP port 135. Which is the port the Microsoft Messenger services works on. The simpler thing to do is to disable the Messenger service.

Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.

Double-click the Administrative Tools icon.

Double-click the Services icon.

Scroll to Messenger.

Double-click the Messenger service.

Click the Stop button.

Select Disabled from the Startup Type: drop-down menu.

Click the OK button.

Close the Administrative Tools window.

Close the Control Panel window.

Revision History:

05.08.2007 - Removed expired TechTV and My Netwatchman links. Modified article for Windows 2000 only. Updated images and instructions. - Kevin

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