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  Freaky Display using an Intel Motherboard (screen capture)  
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Freaky Display using an Intel Motherboard (screen capture) (TTID #206)

Author: Kevin   Views: 14,205 /  Created: October 26, 2002
Finally, I have time to post this for your enjoyment. This is a screen capture I took while using an Intel Motherboard (09.04.2002).

Intel Technical Support's official statement was that "this is not their problem".

Note: Reflashing the BIOS and reloading the PC fixed the problem.

If anyone else has had this happen and knows the reason why it does. Let us know.

Dan(10.26.2002): "Hey are u guys using an NVIDIA card cuz they have an option called nvrotate in the drivers I believe that will let you rotate the picture. Or your computer was attacked by Sub7, take your pick."

Kevin(10.26.2002): "The onboard Intel D82845G/GL graphics controller was used. This PC was also never exposed to the Internet."

Kevin(10.27.2002): "Also, the mouse acted flipped as well. Up was down, down was up and so forth. Is it possible a Registry key like the one Dan mentioned does this."

Revision History:

10.26.2002 - Article written. - Kevin
10.26.2002 - Added more information. - Kevin
10.27.2002 - Added more information. - Kevin

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