Microsoft Windows Me: Full Retail vs. MSDN |
Author: TACKtech Team
Views: 23,993 /
Created: January 1, 2001
You are not prompted for a Product Key when installing the MSDN version so you have no choice but to use the one provided.
<begin cd compare>
Differences between the Full Retail and MSDN Version
Windows Me Retail version MSDN
.\win9x\msbatch.inf (only on MSDN)
; Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation.
; All rights reserved.
Version=3.0 (32-bit)
Signature = "$CHICAGO$"
(Note: TACKtech X'd out the above Product Key)
setupx.dll (different/same time)
Hex Offset 000A7B69 - 30 (Retail) 31 (MSDN)
suwin.exe different in blanks only
Hex Offset 0006B4F8 - 30 (Retail) 31 (MSDN)
win9x\w9xsetup.bin (different/same time)
Hex Offset 000223C2 - 30 (Retail) 31 (MSDN)
Hex Offset 000223C3 - 31 (Retail) 31 (MSDN)
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