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  Brown vs. Green AMD Processor Survey  
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Brown vs. Green AMD Processor Survey (TTID #258)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 16,836 /  Created: May 2, 2003
AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) produces its newer processors in two colors, Green and Brown. The color of the processor is associated with which fabrication facility it is produced at. A representative at AMD recently confirmed this information.

AMD's Processor Fabs are located in Austin, Texas and Dresden, Germany. We are still conducting research on which Fab produces which color. If you have any information this please Contact Us.

AMD states the two colored processors perform identically; however, we have been hearing differently. So, we are conducting the following survey.

Please, fill as much information as possible. If you need help identifying your processor(s) see the following guides.
AMD Processor Recognition Guide Rev05 (PDF format).
AMD Processor Recognition Guide Rev04 (PDF format).

(If you have a large quantity of processors to submit please Contact Us.)

- View Current Survey Results
- Visit AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)

Brown vs. Green AMD Processor Survey
* Required
Operating System:
Processor Color: *
Processor Type: *
Processor Model: *
Processor Order Part Number:
Motherboard Make:
Motherboard Model:
Heatsink/Fan Make:
Heatsink/Fan Model:
Power Supply Make:
Power Supply Model:
Power Supply Wattage:
Power Supply Form Factor:
Memory Make:
Memory Model:
Memory Amount:

Any Problems (check all that apply):
Blue Screens
No Post
Other (Specify Below)

Additional Information:

Revision History:

05.29.2006 - Updated Processor List - Kevin

Your Name:

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