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  Avoid AOL And Their Partners Marketing Blitz (revised)  
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Avoid AOL And Their Partners Marketing Blitz (revised) (TTID #267)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 10,744 /  Created: May 21, 2003
The following is provided to our viewers to help them become more informed. TACKtech Corp. is no way associated with America Online, Inc. (AOL).

If you're using AOL you may not be aware that they automatically set you up to receive targeted email, mail, popup banners, and telemarketing. You can however opt-out of these with a few simple changes to your preferences. You will need to change these preferences in each of your accounts. Some of these settings expire after a year so you will need to change them again at a later date.

This article was created for the current version of AOL 8.0. If you are using an older version of AOL see Article TTID#153.

Step 1:
- Click on Settings on the toolbar.
- Click on Preferences.

Step 2:
- Click on Marketing.

Step 3:
- Read everything in the textbox on the left.
- Click on purple button next to ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.

Step 4:
- Read the DMA Mail and Telephone Preferences information.
- Click on the close button at the top left.

Step 5: (This is a multi-part step.)
- Read everything in the left textbox.
- Clicking on each of the purple buttons and then following the corresponding sub-steps (a-e).

Step 5(a):
- Read what is in the textbox.
- Decide if you want to allow it.
- Select the Yes or the No option.
- Click the OK button.
- Click the OK button on the pop-up dialog.

Step 5(b):
- Read what is in the textbox.
- Decide if you want to allow it. (This one you need to think about. Do you like getting AOL CDs in the mail?)
- Select the Yes or the No option.
- Click the OK button.
- Click the OK button on the pop-up dialog.

Step 5(c):
- Read what is in the textbox.
- Decide if you want to allow it.
- Select the Yes or the No option.
- Click the OK button.
- Click the OK button on the pop-up dialog.

Step 5(d):
- Read what is in the textbox.
- Decide if you want to allow it.
- Select the Yes or the No option.
- Click the OK button.
- Click the OK button on the pop-up dialog.

Step 5(e):
- Read what is in the textbox.
- Decide if you want to allow it.
- Select the Yes or the No option.
- Click the OK button.
- Click the OK button on the pop-up dialog.

Step 6:
- Close the Marketing Preferences dialog.
- Close the Preferences dialog.

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