Author: Josh
Views: 23,752 /
Created: May 29, 2003
Some common errors and explanations you may encounter when Slipstreaming Microsoft Office 2000 Premium (TTID#272).
You may receive many errors pertaining to the IE5 folder. It is safe to Ignore, as it will not affect the installation of Microsoft Office 2000.
You may receive many errors pertaining to the Support folder. It is safe to Ignore, as it will not affect the installation of Microsoft Office 2000.
If you have already installed Microsoft Office 2000 SP3 or SR-1a, it is normal to receive this error message. It is safe to Ignore, this error as it will not affect the installation of Microsoft Office 2000.
05.27.2003 - Original Article. - Josh
05.28.2003 - Cleaned up images. - Kevin
05.29.2003 - Cleaned up article to standard format. - Kevin