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  Add a Second Power Supply  
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Add a Second Power Supply [Page: 1 of 2] (TTID #291)

Author:   Views: 9,004 /  Created: January 17, 2004
* republished with permission from

Author: Michael Larabel
Editor: James Pardoe

There are several reasons that one might need to use a 2nd PSU, you may need more of those molex connectors, or your power supply might not be able to handle the large amounts of electricity your computer needs, you may just want to test your new devices such as lights and fans without actually plugging them into your computer system. Whatever the case may be, this guide will teach you how to add a 2nd Power Supply Unit to your system or just run a power supply without the need for a motherboard. This task is very easy and can be completed in just two easy steps. Power Supply Units carry electricity so be BE VERY CAREFUL! eXtreme Reviews [or TACKtech Corp.] is not liable if you happen to fry your components, fry yourself, or damage anything else. Now let's begin!

To start, you will need a spare PSU, wire cutters/strippers, electrical tape, and a piece of insulated wire (any sort of wire will suit you fine just make sure it is insulated). I will be using a piece of wire from an old broken PSU. You do not need a certain type of PSU to complete this task, any ATX PSU shall do.

Step 1:

Take the piece of insulated wire and cut off a small portion to form a jumper (any size of wire is suitable, I would recommend between 2-4 inches). Now that you have your wire, strip the plastic insulator off both ends so the bare wire is exposed, then bend the wire into a U shape.

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