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  How computers get infected with Spyware  
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How computers get infected with Spyware (TTID #357)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 5,331 /  Created: December 24, 2007
The question “Where did I get spyware from?” is frequently asked. Contrary to what you may believe looking at online porn isn't the only way computers gets infected. Here are some other common sources.
  • Installing Ad-Supported software. Pay close attention to Terms and conditions when installing software. Ad-Supported software subjects users to advertisements that lead to spyware infected websites and downloads. Consider an alternative application or purchase the Add-Free version.

  • Files downloaded from File sharing or P2P applications. Download music from legitimate sources such as Amazon MP3 Downloads, Apple iTunes Store or Yahoo! Music.

  • Opening Emails from unknown sources. If you don't recognize the sender consider deleting the email.

  • Opening unexpected Email attachments, even if they are from trusted sources, is never a good idea. WORM virus send emails using contacts meaning if your friend or someone with your friends email address is infected you could receive a virus that appears to come from them. Ask the sender if they sent you something.

  • Clicking on popups, banners, or other forms of advertisements. Be mindful of what you click on. Look for conditional words like: could, may, might, and possibly. (For example: Your PC may be infected!)

  • IM, Instant Messaging advertisers. Configure IM software to only allow messages from people in your list.

  • Visiting free lyrics websites. Try obtaining lyrics from the artist or the artist's recording label's website.

  • Social networking sites like MySpace often display questionable advertisements. The ability to include content from third party websites enables other members to insert malicious code.

  • Warez sites that offer free downloads of pirated software you should be purchasing, for example Adobe PhotoShop CS3.

  • Websites offering serial numbers, serial keys, registration codes, "free" cracks, keygens, and registration code. Not only the sites are bad, the files downloaded can be as well.

Revision History:

02.17.2008 - Updated. Added tips. - Kevin

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