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  Kazaa-Lite related Technical Updates [Page: 11 of 12] @ TACKtech Corp.  

01.20.2004 - Kazaa-Lite 2.6 PR1

View Kazaa-Lite related news. A spyware free version of Kazaa, with many improvements. Kazaa Lite is a software program for trading songs. Kazaa Lite aims at solving problems other programs generate like slow search results, failed downloads and limited search results. Kazaa Lite is distributed, self-organizing network and allows users to share digital media other than music. Just like Napster, the future of Kazaa Lite lies in the promotion of new, legal content and new artists.
Full View / NID: 2110 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

01.19.2004 - Kazaa-Lite ++ 2.8

View Kazaa-Lite related news. A spyware free version of Kazaa, with many improvements. Kazaa Lite is a software program for trading songs. Kazaa Lite aims at solving problems other programs generate like slow search results, failed downloads and limited search results. Kazaa Lite is distributed, self-organizing network and allows users to share digital media other than music. Just like Napster, the future of Kazaa Lite lies in the promotion of new, legal content and new artists.
Full View / NID: 2097 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

01.10.2004 - K-Lite Codek Pack 2.06 RC17

View Kazaa-Lite related news. The K-Lite Codec Pack contains everything you need to be able to playback the most popular audio and video formats. The basic version contains all the codecs that are needed for playing most movies that can be downloaded from the Internet. The full version has some extra codecs which are used less often and includes a media player.
Full View / NID: 2045 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

01.08.2004 - K-Lite Codek Pack 2.06 RC16

View Kazaa-Lite related news. The K-Lite Codec Pack contains everything you need to be able to playback the most popular audio and video formats. The basic version contains all the codecs that are needed for playing most movies that can be downloaded from the Internet. The full version has some extra codecs which are used less often and includes a media player.
Full View / NID: 2034 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

01.03.2004 - K-Lite Codek Pack 2.06 RC15

View Kazaa-Lite related news. The K-Lite Codec Pack contains everything you need to be able to playback the most popular audio and video formats. The basic version contains all the codecs that are needed for playing most movies that can be downloaded from the Internet. The full version has some extra codecs which are used less often and includes a media player.
Full View / NID: 2009 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

12.14.2003 - K-Lite 2.6 ! ?

View Kazaa-Lite related news. While kicking around the net, spotting some updates, relaxing bit and overall just taking it easy, I see Kazaa-Lite 2.6 Unofficial. It would seem the code has been picked up and taken over.. and furthered as suspected. Let's face it, we don't want spyware and we don't like spyware.
Full View / NID: 1906 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

12.13.2003 - K-Lite Possible – Canada Adored !

View Kazaa-Lite related news. Downloading copyrighted music from peer-to-peer networks is legal in Canada, although uploading files is not, Canadian copyright regulators said in a ruling released Friday.
Full View / NID: 1903 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

11.28.2003 - K-Lite Codec Pack 2.20

View Kazaa-Lite related news. The K-Lite Codec Pack contains everything you need to be able to playback the most popular audio and video formats. The basic version contains all the codecs that are needed for playing most movies that can be downloaded from the Internet. The full version has some extra codecs which are used less often and includes a media player.
Full View / NID: 1804 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

10.17.2003 - K-Lite Codek Pack 2.10

View Kazaa-Lite related news. The K-Lite Codec Pack contains everything you need to be able to playback the most popular audio and video formats. The basic version contains all the codecs that are needed for playing most movies that can be downloaded from the Internet. The full version has some extra codecs which are used less often and includes a media player.
Full View / NID: 1501 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

10.05.2003 - K-Lite Codek Pack 2.06 RC9

View Kazaa-Lite related news. The K-Lite Codec Pack contains everything you need to be able to playback the most popular audio and video formats. The basic version contains all the codecs that are needed for playing most movies that can be downloaded from the Internet. The full version has some extra codecs which are used less often and includes a media player.
Full View / NID: 1414 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

09.29.2003 - K-Lite Codec Pack 2.06 RC2

View Kazaa-Lite related news. The K-Lite Codec Pack contains everything you need to be able to playback the most popular audio and video formats. The basic version contains all the codecs that are needed for playing most movies that can be downloaded from the Internet. The full version has some extra codecs which are used less often and includes a media player.
Full View / NID: 1372 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

09.25.2003 - Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.3

View Kazaa-Lite related news. A spyware free version of Kazaa, with many improvements. Kazaa Lite is a software program for trading songs. Kazaa Lite aims at solving problems other programs generate like slow search results, failed downloads and limited search results. Kazaa Lite is distributed, self-organizing network and allows users to share digital media other than music. Just like Napster, the future of Kazaa Lite lies in the promotion of new, legal content and new artists.
Full View / NID: 1354 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

08.26.2003 - Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.2

View Kazaa-Lite related news. A spyware free version of Kazaa, with many improvements. Kazaa Lite is a software program for trading songs. Kazaa Lite aims at solving problems other programs generate like slow search results, failed downloads and limited search results. Kazaa Lite is distributed, self-organizing network and allows users to share digital media other than music. Just like Napster, the future of Kazaa Lite lies in the promotion of new, legal content and new artists.
Full View / NID: 1170 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

07.16.2003 - Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.1

View Kazaa-Lite related news. A spyware free version of Kazaa, with many improvements. Kazaa Lite is a software program for trading songs. Kazaa Lite aims at solving problems other programs generate like slow search results, failed downloads and limited search results. Kazaa Lite is distributed, self-organizing network and allows users to share digital media other than music. Just like Napster, the future of Kazaa Lite lies in the promotion of new, legal content and new artists.
Full View / NID: 1014 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

07.12.2003 - Kazaa Lite Toolbar 1.9.6a

View Kazaa-Lite related news. Kazaa Lite Toolbar is a customizable toolbar and Web address bar integrated to Kazaa Lite interface.
Full View / NID: 995 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

07.10.2003 - Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.0

View Kazaa-Lite related news. A spyware free version of Kazaa, with many improvements. Kazaa Lite is a software program for trading songs. Kazaa Lite aims at solving problems other programs generate like slow search results, failed downloads and limited search results. Kazaa Lite is distributed, self-organizing network and allows users to share digital media other than music. Just like Napster, the future of Kazaa Lite lies in the promotion of new, legal content and new artists.
Full View / NID: 990 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

07.08.2003 - Kazaa Lite K++ 2.1.1 RC23

View Kazaa-Lite related news. A spyware free version of Kazaa, with many improvements. Kazaa Lite is a software program for trading songs. Kazaa Lite aims at solving problems other programs generate like slow search results, failed downloads and limited search results. Kazaa Lite is distributed, self-organizing network and allows users to share digital media other than music. Just like Napster, the future of Kazaa Lite lies in the promotion of new, legal content and new artists.
Full View / NID: 975 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

07.04.2003 - Kazaa Lite K++ 2.1.1 RC22

View Kazaa-Lite related news. A spyware free version of Kazaa, with many improvements. Kazaa Lite is a software program for trading songs. Kazaa Lite aims at solving problems other programs generate like slow search results, failed downloads and limited search results. Kazaa Lite is distributed, self-organizing network and allows users to share digital media other than music. Just like Napster, the future of Kazaa Lite lies in the promotion of new, legal content and new artists.
Full View / NID: 955 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

06.17.2003 - Kazaa Lite K++ 2.1.0 Build 3

View Kazaa-Lite related news. A spyware free version of Kazaa, with many improvements. Kazaa Lite is a software program for trading songs. Kazaa Lite aims at solving problems other programs generate like slow search results, failed downloads and limited search results. Kazaa Lite is distributed, self-organizing network and allows users to share digital media other than music. Just like Napster, the future of Kazaa Lite lies in the promotion of new, legal content and new artists.
Full View / NID: 865 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

06.11.2003 - Kazaa Lite K++ 2.1.1 RC17

View Kazaa-Lite related news. Kazaa Lite (sometimes called 'K-Lite') is a Peer-to-Peer File Sharing application that does not contain any 'Spyware'. In actual fact, it is a modified version of the very popular Kazaa Media Desktop (often called the 'Original Kazaa' or 'KMD'), which is made by Sharman Networks. Both programs are very similar, with almost identical features and appearance. The main difference is that Kazaa Lite has been modified so that it does not have any of the so-called 'Spyware' and 'Adware' that comes with the Original Kazaa.
Full View / NID: 842 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
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