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  Kazaa-Lite related Technical Updates [Page: 12 of 12] @ TACKtech Corp.  

01.09.2003 - Kazaa Lite K++ 1.7.2

View Kazaa-Lite related news. Kazaa Lite (sometimes called 'K-Lite') is a Peer-to-Peer File Sharing application that does not contain any 'Spyware'. In actual fact, it is a modified version of the very popular Kazaa Media Desktop (often called the 'Original Kazaa' or 'KMD'), which is made by Sharman Networks. Both programs are very similar, with almost identical features and appearance. The main difference is that Kazaa Lite has been modified so that it does not have any of the so-called 'Spyware' and 'Adware' that comes with the Original Kazaa.
Full View / NID: 467 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance

01.09.2003 - Kazaa Lite K++ 1.7.1

View Kazaa-Lite related news. Kazaa Lite (sometimes called 'K-Lite') is a Peer-to-Peer File Sharing application that does not contain any 'Spyware'. In actual fact, it is a modified version of the very popular Kazaa Media Desktop (often called the 'Original Kazaa' or 'KMD'), which is made by Sharman Networks. Both programs are very similar, with almost identical features and appearance. The main difference is that Kazaa Lite has been modified so that it does not have any of the so-called 'Spyware' and 'Adware' that comes with the Original Kazaa.
Full View / NID: 466 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
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