Open Office.org posted the final version 1.1.0 for free download. The OpenOffice.org community listened to users' comments, fixed their bugs, and is now proud to announce OpenOffice.org 1.1. More powerful, more compatible, more international, more accessible, more open than ever1 - and best of all, this world class software is still free!
Full View / NID: 1397 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
The SourceForge.net website is back up and running, although it periodically is having little spurts now and then, this will continue for a litle bit, let's hope for not too long.
Full View / NID: 1394 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
The SourceForge.net Website is currently down for maintenance.
We will be back shortly. Was posted on their site shortly after 8am this morning. Could be simple repairs and tweaks we never know.
Full View / NID: 1385 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
Three month ago Microsoft leased the code name Longhorn Windows alpha build #4029.
Full View / NID: 1295 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
MARLBOROUGH, Mass., Sept. 10, 2003 — 3Com Corporation (Nasdaq: COMS) today announced that it plans to outsource all of its manufacturing and realign its product development and supply chain capabilities as part of its ongoing efforts to further improve efficiency and reduce cost.
Full View / NID: 1277 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
SWiSHmax, Flash creation taken to the maximum. SWiSHmax has everything you need to create stunning fully interactive Flash animations. Nothing beats SWiSHmax.
Full View / NID: 1225 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
ShaoLin Microsystems Ltd., the leading Linux-based software and solutions developer, announced on the 11th, the immediate availability of ShaoLin HA Cluster support for the latest Intel Itanium 2 processor. This clustering solution will deliver an enterprise-class and highly scalable platform for the most compute intensive and mission critical business applications.
Full View / NID: 1124 / Submitted by: ShaoLin Microsystems Ltd.
Aduva Inc., Sunnyvale, Calif., has developed a system known as OnStage that contains a feature known as SCO Check that will "conduct a complete inventory of your system and if SCO [The SCO Group] identifies some illegal code, we can do a check to find the code, identify it and then automate the replacement of that code" with Red Hat Linux or an appropriate fix, said Chris Van Tuin, director of customer service for Aduva.
Full View / NID: 1108 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
A serious flaw in the core design of the freely-available personal firewall ZoneAlarm running on MS Windows. Thanks to the Win32 ShellExecute function in Windows, ZoneAlarm could theoretically be tweaked into opening an unsecured Internet connection and leaking information into web servers anywhere. By introducing a Trojan into a user computer, hackers could theoretically force an Internet connection bypassing the security of the freeware firewall, provided of course that the affected user, just idly clicked on the product's pop ups without reading them. Of course, for the attack to be successful in the first place, malware would have to be introduced.
Full View / NID: 935 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
A Japanese law firm emailed a Word document to M. Yamaguchi demanding to stop development and distribution of Y'z Dock. In order to protect his family and interests, M. Yamaguchi has officially stopped development on Y'z Dock as well as distribution. M.Yamaguchi request that you discontinue distribution and use of Y'z Dock.
Full View / NID: 929 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
SimAQUARIUM 2 screensaver brings the most realistic and wonderful reef aquarium to your computer screen! You just have to see it to believe it.
Full View / NID: 925 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
A federal appeals court on Thursday overturned a preliminary injunction issued by U.S. District Judge J. Frederick Motz, which ordered Microsoft to ship Sun Microsystem's Java technology with Windows. Redmond was initially granted a stay of the decision last February after announcing plans to include Java in future service packs for Windows XP. However, the three-judge panel upheld a ruling that Microsoft violated a 2001 license agreement between the companies.
Full View / NID: 924 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
After over 52 million Internet speed tests being run, Bandwidth Place has decided to stop offering this free service. Bandwidth Place would like to express its thanks to all the users and supporters of its Speed Test. The are offering licensing for the source code for the Web’s most popular and accurate speed test.
Full View / NID: 916 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
The SCO Group, which is suing IBM for $1 billion, on Monday terminated Big Blue's right to use or distribute its Unix-based AIX operating system.
Full View / NID: 866 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
Palm, which also announced that it has finalized plans to spin off its PalmSource software division, will purchase Handspring in a stock deal.
Full View / NID: 821 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
The new IBM Toolbox subscription, now includes the industry's first customizable CD option for developers to access exactly the tools they need from IBM's extensive software collection.
The Toolbox subscription offers WebSphere Studio products at significant savings (40%-50% off stand-alone product price) AND includes a comprehensive range of IBM middleware, and technologies from WebSphere, WebSphere Studio, DB2, Lotus, and Tivoli for development and test purposes. New product licensing supports single-user development and test use of IBM application development tools, middleware and servers, including IBM WebSphere Studio.
Full View / NID: 614 / Submitted by: Shellie
You want to begin developing Web Services?... well here's and easy way to get started. Get the latest development tools from IBM Web Services development labs from arround the world, by ordering the free Web services Software Evaluation Kit. Get a fresh collection of Web services articles and tutorials on the SEK CDs, and learn about everything from the basics of SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, to the latest techologies in the Web Services stack such as workflow, security, and attachments.
Full View / NID: 552 / Submitted by: Shellie
"Sony officials said the company will quietly phase out all of its 17-inch and 19-inch CRT monitors by March 31, part of the industry's shift away from CRTs to LCD panels.
Fans of the popular Sony Trinitron line of monitors and its related aperture-grill technology will be forced instead to purchase Sony's 21-inch and 24-inch CRT displays, which Sony officials said they will continue to produce."
Full View / NID: 495 / Submitted by: TheComputerDoc
Apple's "continued technical disadvantage" -- which we assume means the race for computer processing speed -- against Intel is expected to force it to adopt x86 technology by the end of 2003, according to a new report by Giga Information Group Inc., a global technology advisory firm.
Full View / NID: 323 / Submitted by: TheComputerDoc
The shortage of pick-up heads (PUHs) for DVD-ROM drives is continuing, but some Japanese PUH suppliers indicate no plans to expand output, believing that some relief will come around in November.
Full View / NID: 315 / Submitted by: TheComputerDoc