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07.05.2017 - Ldap2pg v1.0

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Paris, France - July 5th, 2017

ldap2pg is a simple yet powerful tool to synchronize Postgres roles from LDAP directories, including OpenLDAP and Active Directory. Version 1.0 was released today, and there's more to come!

Project goals include stability, portability, high configurability, state of the art code quality and nice user experience.

Highlighted features

Configure multiples LDAP queries.
Customize Postgres role options (LOGIN, SUPERUSER, REPLICATION, etc.).
Create, alter and drop roles.
Manage role members.
Dry run to audit a cluster.

Here is some documentation to learn more about Ldap2pg:

Full View / NID: 67025 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

06.22.2017 - PgBackMan 1.2.0 released

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It has been a while since the last release of PgBackMan and with this version we hope to start a new period with more frequent releases. This new release implements some new features and fixes some bugs from version 1.1.0. Source files, RPM and DEB files are available at GitHub.

New features

  • Add dbname exception field to "register snapshot definition"
  • Add dbname exception field to "register backup definitions"
  • Possibility of defining multiple snapshots definitions in one command
  • Update "show pgbackman config" to show more information
  • Define a default backup server in all backup servers inputs.
  • Possibility of generating CSV and JSON output with all show_* pgbackman commands
  • Refactor the code used to manage command line parameters and define new parameters.
  • Automatic compression of cluster type backups if gzip is available.
  • New command to move backup definitions between backup servers.
  • Add support for postgreSQL 9.6

Migration to 1.2.0

It is very important to check the upgrade procedure to version 1.2.0 in the documentation to avoid problems and errors when and after upgrading to the new version.

Check the section "Upgrading PgBackMan" for more information.


  • "show job queues" view does not show the right domain for pgsql_nodes. Issue:#47
  • Backup definitions of type CLUSTER getting DELETE status. Issue:#39
Full View / NID: 66870 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

06.21.2017 - PL/Java 1.5.1-BETA1 announced; security note.

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

PL/Java brings functions, triggers, and types in Java. 1.5.1, now in beta, adds support for PostgreSQL 9.6 and 10 (beta), with a small number of improvements and fixes.

Project site:
Release notes:

Security note

One previously-announced security issue is addressed in PL/Java 1.5.1, as described in the release notes.

Selected changes

This release introduces support for parallel-safety declarations on functions in PostgreSQL 9.6. Simple cases work as expected, but PL/Java's code has not been thoroughly audited to be sure its internal behavior cannot violate constraints on parallel-restricted or parallel-safe functions. See the release notes and new user-guide page on parallel query. This could be a fruitful area for beta testing.

In PostgreSQL 10, trigger transition tables are supported for AFTER triggers, as described in the release notes.

Notable changes have also been made for the benefit of maintainers of prebuilt PL/Java packages for software distributions. They allow the build to be tailored appropriately with options on the mvn command line and no need to patch the source. One of these allows a working default for pljava.libjvm_location to be built in, when packaging for a distribution that has a known, conventional location for Java. An entire section for package maintainers has been added to the build docs.

Please see the release notes for a more complete list of changes.


1.5.1-BETA1 is available from GitHub as a source release, which builds quickly using Maven:

Release page:

This wiki page will add links to prebuilt packages that become available:

Full View / NID: 66858 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

06.07.2017 - PGConf.EU 2017 Call for Papers and Sponsors

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PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2017 will be held on October 24-27 in the Warsaw Marriott Hotel, in Warsaw, Poland. It will cover topics for PostgreSQL users, developers and contributors, as well as decision and policy makers. For more information about the conference, please see the website.

If you are interested in our sponsorship opportunities, please see the end of this announcement.

We are now accepting proposals for talks in English.

Each session will last 45 minutes, and may be on any topic related to PostgreSQL. Suggested topic areas include:

  • Developing applications for PostgreSQL
  • Administering large scale PostgreSQL installations
  • Case studies and/or success stories of PostgreSQL deployments
  • PostgreSQL tools and utilities
  • PostgreSQL hacking
  • Community & user groups
  • Tuning the server
  • Migrating from other systems
  • Scaling/replication
  • Benchmarking & hardware
  • PostgreSQL related products

Of course, we're happy to receive proposals for talks on other PostgreSQL related topics as well.

We may also have a limited number of longer, 90-minute, slots available. Please indicate clearly in your submission if you wish to make a 90-minute talk.

Finally, there will be a session of five minute lightning talks. A separate call for proposals will be made for them further on.

The submission deadline is August 7th. Selected speakers will be notified before August 22nd, 2017.

Please submit your proposals by going to the submission system and following the instructions there.

The proposals will be considered by committee who will produce a schedule to be published nearer the conference date.

All selected speakers will get free entry to the conference (excluding training sessions). We do not in general cover travel and accommodations for speakers, but may be able to do so in limited cases. If you require assistance with funding to be able to attend, please make a note of this in the submission notes field.

We have also opened our Call for Sponsors. We offer a wide range of sponsorship opportunities, ranging from a low cost Bronze level which is a great way to show your support for the community, to the Platinum level which is limited to three sponsors (so act fast if you are interested!).

If you are interested, please see the detailed descriptions and click the signup link from there!

We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you in Warsaw in October!

Full View / NID: 66660 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

06.06.2017 - check_pgactivity 2.2

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

check_pgactivity 2.2 released

The OPMDG has finally released the version 2.2 of check_pgactivity. Most of the changes were already committed since a long time, but this release finally brings official support for PostgreSQL 9.6 in check_pgactivity.

This release brings some new features :

  • support for PostgreSQL 9.6
  • add service sequences_exhausted to prevent a sequence running out of ids
  • add service stat_snapshot_age to detect a stuck stats collector process
  • add service pgdata_permission to monitor rights and ownership of PGDATA directory
  • add support for "pending restart" parameters in service settings (9.5+)
  • add timeline of in the perfdata output in service wal_files
  • add warn/critical thresholds to streaming_delta perfdata
  • make thresholds optional in service streaming_delta

Some fixes and changes were also done :

  • fix backends_status for PostgreSQL 9.6
  • improve and rename "ready_archives" to "archiver"
  • fix archive_folder to handle compressed archived WAL properly
  • fix a race condition to handle concurrent executions correctly
  • fix bug in "human" output format
  • fix documentation about default db connection
  • now use parameter server_version_num to detect PostgreSQL version

What is check_pgactivity

check_pgactivity is a Nagios-compatible checker to monitor every key features of a PostgreSQL cluster :

  • number of sessions, longuest queries, locked sessions, etc
  • database size, bloated tables and bloated indexes
  • WAL files, archiver state, database dumps
  • streaming replication, replication slots
  • and many more

check_pgactivity supports several output formats :

  • Nagios, strict or not
  • Human-readable
  • binary (Perl-compatible)

Why check_pgactivity ?

The OPMDG was initially formed by Dalibo to support the development of our OPM monitoring suite. The OPMDG is an informal group of people contributing to OPM and related tools, and is independant from the company in order to encourage other contributors to submit patches.

We initially thought about using check_postgres for the OPM monitoring suite, but it lacked some crucial performance datas and the base code was difficult to maintain. We decided to write our own Nagios checker from scratch, in a more maintainable manner and with a focus on a rich perfdata set.

Thus, it's now very easy to extend check_pactivity to support new services or simply support a new PostgreSQL release - PostgreSQL 10 support is already in the work. The output format is automatically treated by check_pgactivity, a service just has to return a some variables.


All releases can by downloaded from github :

The project page :

Full View / NID: 66644 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.31.2017 - Database .NET v22 released

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Database .NET v22 is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool. (Full support for PostgreSQL 8.4~9.6)

Free, All-In-One, Portable, Single executable file and Multi-language.

Major New features from version 19.9 to 22.0:

  • Updated to Npgsql.dll 3.2.2
  • Massive performance improvements (>30%+)
  • Added support for Asynchronous connection open
  • Added support for PostgreSQL Extension objects
  • Added support for PostgreSQL Exclusion Constraints
  • Added generating CRUD stored procedures for PostgreSQL
  • Added displaying RefCursor results for PostgreSQL
  • Added displaying Indexes for PostgreSQL Materialized Views
  • Added automatically list foreign key references to IntelliSense
  • Added auto Commit to Context Menu
  • Added generating INSERTs to new query window
  • Added full screen results
  • Added preserving NULL values by Exporting and Importing delimited text files
  • Added generating Delimited text files by Script Generator
  • Added support for importing XML format
  • Added support for exporting data to Markdown format
  • Added syntax Validation for creating a new table
  • Ability to delete multiple selected objects
  • ...and more

For more information please visit

Full View / NID: 66588 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.29.2017 - New versions of MSSQL-to-PostgreSQL and Oracle-to-PostgreSQL have been released

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

Intelligent Converters released new versions of MSSQL-to-PostgreSQL and Oracle-to-PostgreSQL with the following enhancements:

  • option to convert views in PostgreSQL format
  • option to export into PostgreSQL script file
  • improved support for Azure SQL (in MSSQL-to-PostgreSQL)
Full View / NID: 66568 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.19.2017 - PostgresOpen SV 2017 Registration Opens; 2 weeks for CFP!

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PostgresOpen and PGConf SV have joined forces this year to put together a fantastic PostgreSQL conference, PostgresOpen SV 2017, being held in
downtown San Francisco from September 6th to 8th.

Early Bird Registration for PostgresOpen SV 2017 is now open!

Simply go to our tickets page and register to attend the longest running annual PostgreSQL conference in the US.

The Program Committee is excited to be able to offer tickets for PostgresOpen SV at the same rate as last year, with a $200 discount for early bird registrations!

We also want to remind you that the Call for Papers is only open until May 30th, Anywhere on Earth (AoE), this is the last chance for you to submit your talk for PostgresOpen SV 2017, there's only two weeks left!

Presentations on any topic related to PostgreSQL including, but not limited to, case studies, experiences, tools and utilities, application development, data science, migration stories, existing features, new feature development, benchmarks, and performance tuning are encouraged.

Tutorials will be announced in the coming weeks- watch our blog for updates!

The Program Committee looks forward to bringing the best PostgreSQL presentations and tutorials from speakers around the world to the fantastic Parc55 in downtown San Francisco.

Speakers will be notified by June 6th, 2017 AoE, with the schedule to be published once selected speakers have confirmed.

PostgresOpen SV 2017 is only able to happen with the support of our fantastic sponsors. We are extremely pleased to be able to recognize our Diamond launch sponsors:



and head to our site to see all of our Gold, Silver and Supporter sponsors

Sponsorship opportunities are still available!

We look forward to seeing everyone in San Francisco!

Any questions? Please contact:

Full View / NID: 66437 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.18.2017 - PostgreSQL 10 Beta 1 Released

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The PostgreSQL Global Development Group announces today that the first beta release of PostgreSQL 10 is available for download. This release contains previews of all of the features which will be available in the final release of version 10, although some details will change before then. Users are encouraged to begin testing their applications against this latest release.

Major Features of 10

The new version contains multiple features that will allow users to both scale out and scale up their PostgreSQL infrastructure:

  • Logical Replication: built-in option for replicating specific tables or using replication to upgrade
  • Native Table Partitioning: range and list partitioning as native database objects
  • Additional Query Parallelism: including index scans, bitmap scans, and merge joins
  • Quorum Commit for Synchronous Replication: ensure against loss of multiple nodes

We have also made three improvements to PostgreSQL connections, which we are calling on driver authors to support, and users to test:

  • SCRAM Authentication, for more secure password-based access
  • Multi-host "failover", connecting to the first available in a list of hosts
  • target_session_attrs parameter, so a client can request a read/write host

Additional Features

Many other new features and improvements have been added to PostgreSQL 10, some of which may be as important, or more important, to specific users than the above. Certainly all of them require testing. Among them are:

  • Crash-safe and replicable Hash Indexes
  • Multi-column Correlation Statistics
  • New "monitoring" roles for permission grants
  • Latch Wait times in pg_stat_activity
  • XMLTABLE query expression
  • Restrictive Policies for Row Level Security
  • Full Text Search support for JSON and JSONB
  • Compression support for pg_receivewal
  • ICU collation support
  • Push Down Aggregates to foreign servers
  • Transition Tables in trigger execution

Further, developers have contributed performance improvements in the SUM() function, character encoding conversion, expression evaluation, grouping sets, and joins against unique columns. Analytics queries against large numbers of rows should be up to 40% faster. Please test if these are faster for you and report back.

See the Release Notes for a complete list of new and changed features.

Test for Bugs and Compatibility

We count on you to test the altered version with your workloads and testing tools in order to find bugs and regressions before the release of PostgreSQL 10. As this is a Beta, minor changes to database behaviors, feature details, and APIs are still possible. Your feedback and testing will help determine the final tweaks on the new features, so test soon. The quality of user testing helps determine when we can make a final release.

Additionally, version 10 contains several changes that are incompatible with prior major releases, particularly renaming "xlog" to "wal" and a change in version numbering. We encourage all users test it against their applications, scripts, and platforms as soon as possible. See the Release Notes and the What's New in 10 page for more details.

Beta Schedule

This is the first beta release of version 10. The PostgreSQL Project will release additional betas as required for testing, followed by one or more release candidates, until the final release in late 2017. For further information please see the Beta Testing page.


Full View / NID: 66426 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.17.2017 - Announcing Access to comprehensive PostgreSQL on Mapt

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Mapt - powered by Packt - is a comprehensive tech library stuffed full of the latest PostgreSQL knowledge. Mapt boasts over 170 hours of PostgreSQL courses, including the latest Packt PostgreSQL eBooks. It’s been designed for developers who need answers fast.

Newly released on Mapt, the PostgreSQL Administration Cookbook, High Performance Cookbook and High Availability Cookbook give you essential answers right at your fingertips. Now PostgreSQL community members can access these titles and more with an exclusive 50% off discount on Mapt Annual subscription.

You can receive a discount off of a whole year of Mapt with the discount code MptPgSQL50

Mapt’s PostgreSQL courses cover everything you need to know whether you’re just starting out with the basics, or looking for advanced tips and tricks to get the most from PostgreSQL. Get practical insight from real PostgreSQL experts with decades of database experience. Mapt authors include Simon Riggs, CTO of PostgreSQL consultancy 2ndQuadrant; Greg Smith, principal consultant for 2ndQuadrant, and Postgre Open speaker Shaun M Thomas.

On top of all that PostgreSQL knowledge, a Mapt subscription nets even more insight. Access to over 4,500 eBook and video courses on data, development, and more. Get career development guidance from Mapt’s Skill Plans. Make your learning stick with assessments, and take advantage of a global author community.

Full View / NID: 66404 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.17.2017 - Free SQL Multi Select Basic Edition 3.2 released

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

SQL Multi Select 3.2 Basic Edition is now free.

Run multiple scripts on multiple PostgreSQL databases with a single click. A description for how to use SQL Multi Select with other PostgreSQL tools is available here.

Changes in version 3.2:

  • various GUI changes to improve Wine compatibility.
  • added option to define default scripts for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle servers
  • modified the upgrade process to avoid having to reboot the Linux OS.

System requirements:

  • Runs on Windows XP to Windows 10.
  • Runs on Wine, tested on Ubuntu and Fedora.
  • Supports PostgreSQL 8.3 to 9.6, without the need for any additional database drivers.

For more information about SQL Multi Select for PostgreSQL, please visit, or download a free 14-day trial.

About Yohz Software

Yohz Software is a developer of free and commercial database applications for most popular database engines. Visit our site at

Full View / NID: 66403 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.11.2017 - 2017-05-11 Security Update Release

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The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has released an update to all supported versions of our database system, including 9.6.3, 9.5.7, 9.4.12, 9.3.17, and 9.2.21. This release fixes three security issues. It also patches a number of other bugs reported over the last three months. Users who use the PGREQUIRESSL environment variable to control connections, and users who rely on security isolation between database users when using foreign servers, should update as soon as possible. Other users should plan to update at the next convenient downtime.

Security Issues

Three security vulnerabilities have been closed by this release:

  • CVE-2017-7484: selectivity estimators bypass SELECT privilege checks
  • CVE-2017-7485: libpq ignores PGREQUIRESSL environment variable
  • CVE-2017-7486: pg_user_mappings view discloses foreign server passwords

The fix for CVE-2017-7486 applies to new databases, see the release notes for the procedure to apply the fix to an existing database.

Any user relying on the PGREQUIRESSL environment variable is encouraged to use the sslmode connection string option, as use of PGREQUIRESSL is deprecated. CVE-2017-7485 does not affect the 9.2 series. For more information on these issues and how they affect backwards-compatibility, see the Release Notes.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

This update also fixes a number of bugs reported in the last few months. Some of these issues affect only the 9.6 series, but many affect all supported versions. There are more than 90 fixes in this release, including:

  • Fix to ensure consistent behavior for RLS policies
  • Fix ALTER TABLE ... VALIDATE CONSTRAINT to not recurse to child tables when the constraint is marked NO INHERIT
  • Fix incorrect support for certain box operators in SP-GiST which could yield incorrect results
  • Fixes for handling query cancellation
  • Skip tablespace privilege checks when ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN TYPE rebuilds an existing index
  • Fix possibly-invalid initial snapshot during logical decoding
  • Fix possible corruption of init forks of unlogged indexes
  • Several fixes to postmaster, including checks for when running as a Windows service
  • Several planner fixes, among others assorted minor fixes in planning of parallel queries
  • Avoid possible crashes in walsender and some index-only scans on GiST index
  • Fix cancelling of pg_stop_backup() when attempting to stop a non-exclusive backup
  • Updates to ecpg to support COMMIT PREPARED and ROLLBACK PREPARED
  • Several fixes for pg_dump/pg_restore, among others to handle privileges for procedural languages and when using --clean option
  • Several fixes for contrib modules, such as dblink, pg_trgm and postgres_fdw
  • Fixes to MSVC builds, such as using correct daylight-savings rules for POSIX-style time zone names and supporting Tcl 8.6
  • Several performance improvements
  • Fix cursor_to_xml() to produce valid output with tableforest = false
  • Fix roundoff problems in float8_timestamptz() and make_interval()
  • Fix pgbench to handle the combination of --connect and --rate options correctly
  • Fixes to commandline tools such as pg_upgrade and pg_basebackup
  • Several fixes to VACUUM and CLUSTER

Users of replication tools based on logical decoding, as well as users of unlogged indexes, should consult the release notes for potential extra steps during the upgrade.

This update also contains tzdata release 2017b with updates for DST law changes in Chile, Haiti, and Mongolia, plus historical corrections for Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Liberia, and Spain. Switch to numeric abbreviations for numerous time zones in South America, the Pacific and Indian oceans, and some Asian and Middle Eastern countries. The timezone library is synchronized with IANA release tzcode2017b.

EOL Warning for Version 9.2

PostgreSQL version 9.2 will be End-of-Life in September 2017. The project expects to only release one, or two, more updates for that version. We urge users to start planning an upgrade to a later version of PostgreSQL as soon as possible. See our Versioning Policy for more information.


All PostgreSQL update releases are cumulative. As with other minor releases, users are not required to dump and reload their database or use pg_upgrade in order to apply this update release; you may simply shut down PostgreSQL and update its binaries.

After update, users of replication tools based on logical decoding, as well as users of unlogged indexes, should consult the release notes for potential extra steps during the upgrade. See the Release Notes for more details.

Users who have skipped one or more update releases may need to run additional, post-update steps; please see the release notes for earlier versions for details.


Full View / NID: 66320 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.07.2017 - pg_chameleon 1.0 released

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

pg_chameleon is a MySQL to PostgreSQL replica system developed in python 2.7/3.3+.

The release 1.0 comes with the following features

  • Copy schema and data from MySQL to a PostgreSQL schema
  • MySQL to PostgreSQL replica
  • Discards of replicated rubbish data
  • Replica from multiple MySQL sources
  • Basic replica monitoring
  • Detach replica from MySQL for easy migration to PostgreSQL

Usage examples

  • Analytics
  • Migrations
  • Data aggregation from multiple MySQL databases

Download and documentation

Pypi package

Github page


Full View / NID: 66227 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

05.04.2017 - Announcing The Release Of pglogical 2.0

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Oxford, United Kingdom - May 4, 2017

2ndQuadrant is pleased to announce the release of pglogical 2.0 – the next generation in logical replication for PostgreSQL. This version will continue to be supported until EOL for PostgreSQL server versions 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6 and will also work with PostgreSQL 10 due to release in Fall 2017.

What's New

The pglogical 2.0 release brings new features allowing it to be used for even more use-cases. It also includes several bug fixes and behavior improvements, including:

  • Row filter - specify SQL expression which should be used on upstream to filter rows for replicated table
  • Column filter - specify list of columns that should be replicated, this allows replication of just some columns from a table
  • Windows support - pglogical can be now used with PostgreSQL running on Windows as both provider and subscriber (has to be built from the source at the moment)
  • Delayed replication - it’s now possible to set delay for how long behind the downstream should be when replicating data
  • Postgres-XL support - Postgres-XL can become a pglogical subscriber, which means you can replicated from PostgreSQL to Postgres-XL directly
  • New command line tool pglogical_create_subscriber which can convert physical standby (or base backup) into pglogical subscriber
  • Performance improvements for applying transactions containing many INSERTs (including transactions that did large import using COPY)
  • Improved behavior of TRUNCATE, especially the TRUNCATE triggers
  • Users executing DDL in database no longer need USAGE privilege on pglogical schema
  • Fixed reporting of false positives on UPDATE conflicts
  • Log level for conflicts can now be changed

About pglogical

pglogical is a logical replication system implemented entirely as a PostgreSQL extension. Fully integrated, it requires no triggers or external programs. This alternative to physical replication is a highly efficient method of replicating data using a publish/subscribe model for selective replication.

About 2ndQuadrant

2ndQuadrant leads the drive for improving the enterprise functionality for PostgreSQL, continuously contributing major features to every release for performance, replication, business intelligence and usability.

pglogical has been developed by 2ndQuadrant. It is open source and fully supported for 2ndQuadrant 24/7 Support customers. We also offer consulting services to help organizations with application development, conflict handler design, cluster design, deployment, feature development and performance analysis.

Full View / NID: 66228 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

04.25.2017 - DB Doc 4.1 released

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Yohz Software has just released DB Doc 4.1, the PostgreSQL schema documentation tool, and is available for immediate download.

Changes in this version:

  • All reports now display the 20 largest tables (by total size, indexes size, and toast size) and indexes for each schema.
  • Added ability to sort table and index lists by any text or numeric property.
  • Schema inspector added so you can view the properties of each database object before printing your reports.
  • Search function in schema inspector allows you to quickly filter database objects by name and/or comment.
  • Fixed consistency of PDF portrait and landscape layouts.
  • Improved consistency of Word reports with PDF reports.
  • Improved search function dialog in script editor.

DB Doc benefits:

  • Create documents in HTML, CHM, PDF, and MS Word formats
  • Eliminate tedious and time-consuming manual documentation tasks
  • Satisfy audit requirements by keeping complete and timely documentation
  • Document a database in 4 simple steps
  • View inter-object and inter-database dependencies in your documents
  • Document layouts can be fully customizable to suit your requirements
  • Keep teams up to date by distributing documentation
  • Runs on Windows XP to Windows 10
  • Runs in Wine, so you can use DB Doc on your favorite Linux distribution
  • Supports PostgreSQL 8.3 to 9.6, without the need for any additional database drivers.

For more details about DB Doc, visit the product page here.

Full View / NID: 66081 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

04.19.2017 - New version of MySQL-to-PostgreSQL has been released

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

New version of MySQL-to-PostgreSQL has been released with verified support for Heroku, option to convert views and other improvements.

Visit for details.

Full View / NID: 64998 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

04.07.2017 - PgComment for PostgreSQL released

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

Yohz Software has released PgComment, a FREE Windows tool to easily add/modify comments to your database objects.

PgComment reads your database schema in seconds, and displays the schema in a hierarchical tree view, together with any existing comments. You can then edit the comments directly in the tree view.

With PgComment, you can add comments to tables, columns, indexes, views, domains, sequences, and functions.

Changes are cached locally, and sent to the server in a batch when applied, so you do not have to wait for individual COMMENT ON commands to complete after each change. This allows you to work faster.

Used together with DB Doc, our PostgreSQL schema documentation generator, PgComment allows you to delegate the task of documenting the database objects to the users who are most familiar with the database objects.

For more information on PgComment, please visit, or download the installer.

About Yohz Software

Yohz Software is a developer of database applications for most popular database engines. Visit our web site at to discover what other products we offer.

Full View / NID: 64899 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

03.20.2017 - Announcing AgensGraph v1.1 Release

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

We are very excited to announce the release of AgensGraph v1.1. It includes both new features and many useful improvements. Since we released AgensGraph v1.0, our team has been hard at work researching and building the best AgensGraph solution for database over the past two months. With improved features and upgraded performance, AgensGraph makes it easier for you to manage, analyze and store your data.

Let’s take a look at the new features and improvements:

? MERGE Clause The MERGE specification is a convenient way to verify specific patterns in a graph. If there is no such pattern, AgensGraph creates the specified pattern automatically. Users can also define the additional behaviors using ON MATCH and ON CREATE optional clauses.

? Variable Length Edge Pattern Queries AgensGraph v1.1 is twice as fast as the previous version (v1.0). Using variable length edge pattern is a concise way to specify degrees of relationships between entities such as finding friends of a friend. This is one of the reasons why users choose graph database over relational database.

? External modules In AgensGraph v1.1, two external modules have been added: Hadoop FDW and HyperLogLog datatype.

Hadoop FDW is a foreign data wrapper which connects HIVE systems to access HDFS files in AgensGraph. Using Hadoop FDW, the data residing in Hadoop can be easily imported into AgensGraph.

AgensGraph v1.1 is a minor release but contains major improvements. There will be more features and modules introduced in the coming months. We will update you accordingly. Please visit AgensGraph v1.1 Release for more detailed information.

AgensGraph Download

See also Github repository

Full View / NID: 63772 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

03.10.2017 - dbMigration .NET v5 released

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

dbMigration .NET v5 is a simple, easy and intuitive multiple database migration and sync tool, With it you can easily migrate schema and data between different databases without complicated procedures.

Supported databases: PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQL Azure, LocalDB, MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Informix, Vertica, NuoDB, Teradata, Sybase ASE, Firebird, SQLite, SQLCe, VistaDB, Access, dBase, FoxPro, Text, Excel, ODBC, OleDB...etc.

Free, All-In-One, Portable, Single executable file and Multi-language.

Major New features from version 3.8 to 5.0 (2016/10/01~2017/03/10):

  • Added support for PostgreSQL <-> VistaDB migration
  • Added support for PostgreSQL error detail message
  • Added support for PostgreSQL (one/two) dimensional arrays
  • Added Multi-Language UI (Options->Language)
  • Added Automatically generate foreign keys (PG)
  • Ability to add custom delimited file extensions
  • Improved Migrating VIEWS/FUNCTIONS/SEQUENCES definitions (PG->PG)
  • Improved Data Synchronization
  • Improved Automatic Mapping Types (UDT)
  • Improved Custom Mapping Types
  • Improved Command-Line
  • Compiled with Visual Studio 2017
  • ...and more

The new version is immediately available for download.

Full View / NID: 63564 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

02.20.2017 - JDBC 42.0.0 Released

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

The JDBC group is proud to release a new version, and in keeping with the version renumbering meme we have released version 42.0.0.

Notable changes include:

  • Support for PostgreSQL versions below 8.2 was dropped
  • java.util.logging is now used for logging: logging documentation
  • Ensure executeBatch() can be used with pgbouncer. Previously pgjdbc could use server-prepared statements for batch execution even with prepareThreshold=0 (see issue 742)
  • Replication protocol API was added: replication API documentation, PR#550
  • Version bumped to 42.0.0 to avoid version clash with PostgreSQL version
  • Error position is displayed when SQL has unterminated literals, comments, etc (see issue 688)
Full View / NID: 63311 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
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