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03.10.2017 - dbMigration .NET v5 released

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

dbMigration .NET v5 is a simple, easy and intuitive multiple database migration and sync tool, With it you can easily migrate schema and data between different databases without complicated procedures.

Supported databases: PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQL Azure, LocalDB, MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Informix, Vertica, NuoDB, Teradata, Sybase ASE, Firebird, SQLite, SQLCe, VistaDB, Access, dBase, FoxPro, Text, Excel, ODBC, OleDB...etc.

Free, All-In-One, Portable, Single executable file and Multi-language.

Major New features from version 3.8 to 5.0 (2016/10/01~2017/03/10):

  • Added support for PostgreSQL <-> VistaDB migration
  • Added support for PostgreSQL error detail message
  • Added support for PostgreSQL (one/two) dimensional arrays
  • Added Multi-Language UI (Options->Language)
  • Added Automatically generate foreign keys (PG)
  • Ability to add custom delimited file extensions
  • Improved Migrating VIEWS/FUNCTIONS/SEQUENCES definitions (PG->PG)
  • Improved Data Synchronization
  • Improved Automatic Mapping Types (UDT)
  • Improved Custom Mapping Types
  • Improved Command-Line
  • Compiled with Visual Studio 2017
  • ...and more

The new version is immediately available for download.

Full View / NID: 63564 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

02.20.2017 - JDBC 42.0.0 Released

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The JDBC group is proud to release a new version, and in keeping with the version renumbering meme we have released version 42.0.0.

Notable changes include:

  • Support for PostgreSQL versions below 8.2 was dropped
  • java.util.logging is now used for logging: logging documentation
  • Ensure executeBatch() can be used with pgbouncer. Previously pgjdbc could use server-prepared statements for batch execution even with prepareThreshold=0 (see issue 742)
  • Replication protocol API was added: replication API documentation, PR#550
  • Version bumped to 42.0.0 to avoid version clash with PostgreSQL version
  • Error position is displayed when SQL has unterminated literals, comments, etc (see issue 688)
Full View / NID: 63311 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

02.14.2017 - Registrations now open for pgDay Asia 2017

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Team pgDay Asia is happy to announce that registrations for the conference are now open. For a limited time, we are offering group discounts for 3+ people. Register yourself by clicking:

Schedule for the 2-day single-track conference has also been published:

Please note that the 2nd day of the conference is part of FOSSASIA's dedicated PostgreSQL track. Tickets for FOSSASIA can be purchased separately here:

A special shout out to all our speakers and sponsors. This event is not possible without your support. For anyone wishing to sponsor, please send an email to

pgDay Asia 2017 is scheduled to be held in Singapore on 17th & 18th of March. More details here: The conference will be held along with FOSSASIA - one of the largest FOSS conference on the planet. pgDay Asia will be PostgreSQL conference series for all PostgreSQL enthusiasts in the Asia Pacific region.

Full View / NID: 63251 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

02.13.2017 - PostgreSQL@SCaLE15x - March 2-3, 2017, Pasadena Convention Center

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Please join us at PostgreSQL@SCaLE15x!

PostgreSQL@SCaLE is an embedded PostgreSQL conference held as part of SCaLE15x on Thursday and Friday, March 2-3, 2017. We will have 24 one-hour PostgreSQL talks -- two rooms for two days. This is by far the best value for your money of any North American PostgreSQL event!

For the talk schedule, please see:

We will also have a PostgreSQL community booth in the exhibition hall all weekend.

SCaLE15x (the 15th annual Southern California Linux Expo), taking place on March 2-5, 2017 at the Pasadena Convention Center, is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. It is held annually in the Los Angeles area. PostgreSQL@SCaLE is always very popular and well attended. Don't miss out!

There is a nominal registration cost, but we have a 50% discount code: PSQL

Please go register here.

PostgreSQL@SCaLE15x is made possible by the United States PostgreSQL Association, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) created to support PostgreSQL in the United States through user group development, conferences, educational initiatives, and fun. There is no way we would be able to produce PostgreSQL@SCaLE15x without the generous support of our sponsors:

Amazon Web Services
Command Prompt
PostgreSQL Consulting

We hope to see everyone there!

The PostgreSQL@SCaLE15x Committee Joe, Jim, and Gabrielle

Full View / NID: 63224 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

02.09.2017 - PostgreSQL 9.6.2, 9.5.6, 9.4.11, 9.3.16 and 9.2.20 released!

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The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has released an update to all supported versions of our database system, including 9.6.2, 9.5.6, 9.4.11, 9.3.16, and 9.2.20. This release includes fixes that prevent data corruption issues in index builds and in certain write-ahead-log replay situations, which are detailed below. It also patches over 75 other bugs reported over the last three months.

Users should plan to apply this update at the next scheduled downtime.


There existed a race condition if CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY was called on a column that had not been indexed before, then rows that were updated by transactions running at the same time as the CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY command could have been indexed incorrectly.

If you suspect this may have happened, the most reliable solution is to rebuild affected indexes after installing this update.

This issue is present in the 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, and 9.6 series of PostgreSQL.

Fixes for visibility and write-ahead-log stability

These release contains several fixes to improve the stability of visible data and WAL logging that we wish to highlight here.

Prior to this release, data could be prematurely pruned by a vacuum operation when a special snapshot used for catalog scans was presently available. Specifically, the vacuum operation would not be aware of the oldest xmin for this special snapshot. The error would surface with a message such as:

"cache lookup failed for relation 1255"

This release ensures that vacuum operations will account for the catalog scan snapshots.

Additionally, there are several fixes to improved the stability of write-ahead-logging, including:

* A fix for BRIN index WAL logging where a replay could make a portion of the BRIN index useless and require recomputing
* A fix for an unlogged table where a WAL-log would be created under the "wal_level = minimal" setting, and upon replay after crash, the table would not appear to be properly reset
* A fix in the WAL page header validation when re-reading segments that fixes the error of  "out-of-sequence TLI" that could be reported during recovery

Theses issues are present in the 9.6 series of PostgreSQL releases and may also be present in the 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5 series.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

This update also fixes a number of bugs reported in the last few months. Some of these issues affect only the 9.6 series, but many affect all supported versions. There are more than 75 fixes provided in this release, including:

  • Several fixes for operating in hot standby mode
  • Disallow setting the num_sync field to zero in synchronous_standby_names
  • Don't count background worker processes against a user's connection limit
  • Fix check for when an extension member object can be dropped
  • Fix tracking of initial privileges for extension member objects so that it works correctly with ALTER EXTENSION ... ADD/DROP
  • Several vacuum and autovacuum fixes
  • Fix CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW to update the view query before attempting to apply the new view options
  • Make sure ALTER TABLE preserves index tablespace assignments when rebuilding indexes
  • Several fixes to the query planner, including fixes for foreign tables and CTEs
  • Several fixes around the full-text search feature to improve accuracy and performance of the search
  • Several fixes and performance improvements in several array functions
  • Several fixes around the interaction of foreign-key constraints with trigger functions around specific ALTER TABLE operations
  • Remove optimizations for date/time data types that returned incorrect data
  • Fix incorrect use of view reloptions as regular table reloptions
  • Fix incorrect "target lists can have at most N entries" complaint when using ON CONFLICT with wide tables
  • Fix spurious "query provides a value for a dropped column" errors during INSERT or UPDATE on a table with a dropped column
  • Prevent multicolumn expansion of foo.* in an UPDATE source expression
  • Ensure that column typmods are determined accurately for multi-row VALUES constructs
  • Several fixes for the psql command-line tool
  • Prevent multiple calls of pg_start_backup() and pg_stop_backup() from running concurrently
  • Several fixes for pg_dump, pg_restore, and pg_basebackup, including a possible pg_basebackup failure on standby server when including WAL files
  • Several fixes for parallel workers and plans for parallel queries including fixing a crash if the number of workers available to a parallel query decreases during a rescan
  • Several fixes to PL/pgSQL, PL/Python, and PL/Tcl
  • Several fixes for contrib modules
  • Allow DOS-style line endings in ~/.pgpass files, even on Unix

Update time zone data files to tzdata release 2016j for DST law changes in northern Cyprus (adding a new zone Asia/Famagusta), Russia (adding a new zone Europe/Saratov), Tonga, and Antarctica/Casey. Historical corrections for Italy, Kazakhstan, Malta, and Palestine. Switch to preferring numeric zone abbreviations for Tonga.


All PostgreSQL update releases are cumulative. As with other minor releases, users are not required to dump and reload their database or use pg_upgrade in order to apply this update release; you may simply shut down PostgreSQL and update its binaries.

If you believe you have been affected by the aforementioned CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY bug, you will have to rebuild the index. Here is an example of how to rebuild an index in a production system without losing the ability to utilize the index:

CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY new_index_name ON table_name (column_name);
ALTER INDEX new_index_name RENAME TO old_index_name;

Note that using this method means you will briefly have two copies of the same index, so if disk space is an issue you may need to take other approaches.

Users who have skipped one or more update releases may need to run additional, post-update steps; please see the release notes for earlier versions for details.


Full View / NID: 63188 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

02.06.2017 - SQL Multi Select for PostgreSQL released

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Yohz Software has released SQL Multi Select for PostgreSQL, an invaluable too to add to your toolkit if you manage multiple PostgreSQL servers.

SQL Multi Select runs multiple scripts on multiple servers with a single click.

Say you want to find out the 5 largest tables in each database, on each of your 20 PostgreSQL servers. All you have to do is:

  • select the appropriate query group (you can define as many as you want, each containing a different set of servers)
  • load the script from disk (you can run as many scripts as you want)
  • run the project, and you're done! The results are returned in a single consolidated result set for easy comparison and analysis.

Imagine how SQL Multi Select can help you do your work faster. Need to create a new user account on a set of servers? Just select the appropriate query group, write the script, and run the project. Need to create a new database on a bunch of servers? Prepare the CREATE DATABASE script, select a query group, run the script, and you’re done. The possibilities are endless.

System requirements:

  • Runs on Windows XP to Windows 10.
  • Supports PostgreSQL 8.3 to 9.6, without the need for any additional database drivers.

For more information about SQL Multi Select for PostgreSQL, please visit, or download a free 14-day trial.

About Yohz Software

Yohz Software is a developer of database applications for most popular database engines. Learn more about Yohz Software at

Full View / NID: 63252 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

01.31.2017 - pgwatch2: PostgreSQL monitoring has never been easier before

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pgwatch 2: PostgreSQL monitoring made easy

Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH proudly presents pgwatch 2 - the most easy to install monitoring tool for PostgreSQL ever released.

It is based on Grafana and offers out of the box monitoring for PostgreSQL databases. Due to the use of containers, pgwatch 2 can be installed in minutes without having to worry about dependencies and complex installation procedures. It is pre-configured. All it needs is a database connection and you are ready to go.

Fire it up and pgwatch will already collect data and display vital information for you in no time.

pgwatch 2 is Open Source can be used free of charge.

Please share feedback as we will improve pgwatch based on your ideas.

More information can be found on our website

Follow us on twitter @PostgresSupport and share your feedback.

Full View / NID: 63085 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

01.27.2017 - pgBadger v9.1 has been released

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Paris, France - January 24th, 2017

pgBadger is a PostgreSQL performance analyzer, built for speed with fully detailed reports based on your PostgreSQL log files.

pgBadger 9.1 was released today, this is a maintenance release that fix some minor bugs. There is also a new report on error class distribution and some feature enhancements:

  • Add report of error class distribution when SQLState is available in the log_line_prefix (see %e placeholder).
  • Update SQL Beautifier to pgFormatter v1.6 code.
  • Improve error message normalization.
  • Add --normalized-only option to generate a text file containing all normalized queries found in a log with count.
  • Allow %c (session id) to replace %p (pid) as unique session id.
  • Add waiting for lock messages to event reports.
  • Add --start-monday option to start calendar weeks in Monday instead of default to Sunday.

Here are the complete list of changes:

  • Add report of error class distribution when SQLState is available in the log line prefix. Thanks to jacks33 for the feature request.
  • Fix incremental global index on resize. Thanks to clomdd for the report.
  • Fix command tag log_line_prefix placeholder %i to allow space character.
  • Fix --exclude-line options and removing of obsolete directory when retention is enabled and --noreport is used.
  • Fix typo in "vacuum activity table". Thanks to Nicolas Gollet for the patch.
  • Fix autovacuum report. Thanks to Nicolas Gollet for the patch.
  • Fix author of pgbadger's logo - Damien Cazeils and English in comments. Thanks to Thibaut Madelaine for the patch.
  • Add information about pgbouncer log format in the -f option. Thanks to clomdd for the report.
  • Add --normalized-only information in documentation.
  • Fix broken report of date-time introduced in previous patch.
  • Fix duration/query association when log_duration=on and log_statement=all. Thanks to Eric Jensen for the report.
  • Fix normalization of messages about advisory lock. Thanks to Thibaut Madelaine for the report.
  • Fix report of auto_explain output. Thanks to fch77700 for the report.
  • Fix unwanted log format auto detection with log entry from stdin. Thanks to Jesus Adolfo Parra for the report.
  • Add left open parentheses to the "stop" chars of regex to look for db client in the prefix to handle the PostgreSQL client string format that includes source port. Thanks to Jon Nelson for the patch.
  • Fix some spelling errors. Thanks to Jon Nelson for the patch.
  • Allow %c (session id) to replace %p (pid) as unique session id. Thanks to Jerryliuk for the report.
  • Allow pgBadger to parse default log_line_prefix that will be probably used in 10.0: '%m [%p] '
  • Fix missing first line with interpreter call.
  • Fix missing Avg values in CSV report. Thanks to Yosuke Tomita for the report.
  • Fix error message in autodetect_format() method.
  • Add --start-monday option to start calendar weeks in Monday instead of default to Sunday. Thanks to Joosep Mae for the feature request.
  • Fix --histo-average option. Thanks to Yves Martin for the report.
  • Remove plural form of --ssh-option in documentation. Thanks to mark-a-s for the report.
  • Fix --exclude-time filter and rewrite code to skip unwanted line as well code to update the progress bar. Thanks to Michael Chesterton for the report.
  • Fix support to %r placeholder in prefix instead of %h.

Links & Credits

DALIBO would like to thank the developers who submitted patches and the users who reported bugs and feature requests.

pgBadger is an open project. Any contribution to build a better tool is welcome. You just have to send your ideas, features requests or patches using the GitHub tools or directly on our mailing list.

Links :

  • Download :
  • Mailing List :!forum/pgbadger (

About pgBadger :

pgBagder is a new generation log analyzer for PostgreSQL, created by Gilles Darold (also author of ora2pg, the powerful migration tool). pgBadger is a fast and easy tool to analyze your SQL traffic and create HTML5 reports with dynamics graphs. pgBadger is the perfect tool to understand the behavior of your PostgreSQL servers and identify which SQL queries need to be optimized.

Docs, Download & Demo at

About DALIBO :

DALIBO is the leading PostgreSQL company in France, providing support, trainings and consulting to its customers since 2005. The company contributes to the PostgreSQL community in various ways, including : code, articles, translations, free conferences and workshops

Check out DALIBO's open source projects at

Full View / NID: 63047 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

01.06.2017 - Announcing The Release Of repmgr 3.3

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Oxford, United Kingdom - January 6, 2017

2ndQuadrant is proud to announce the release of repmgr version 3.3, the popular tool for PostgreSQL failover since 2010.

repmgr 3.3 provides a number of usability improvements for the repmgr command line utility, particularly for the ‘standby clone’ and ‘standby register’ commands. These changes are primarily aimed at making repmgr easier to use when provisioning complex replication clusters.

repmgrd users should take note of the changes to repmgr logging behaviour.

From repmgr 3.3, support for the upcoming PostgreSQL 10 release will be provided as far as possible. PostgreSQL 10 is still under development with significant changes expected to the implementation of replication functionality; anyone wishing to test repmgr with PostgreSQL 10 should build from the repmgr master branch. Links

repmgr is an open source package that helps DBAs and System Administrators manage a cluster of PostgreSQL databases. By taking advantage of the Hot Standby capability introduced in PostgreSQL 9, repmgr greatly simplifies the process of setting up and managing databases with high availability and scalability requirements.

repmgr is distributed under GPL v3 and maintained by 2ndQuadrant.

Full View / NID: 62788 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

01.05.2017 - Barman v2.1 Announced

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2ndQuadrant announces the release of Barman version 2.1, a Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL.

This minor release fixes a few bugs. It also introduces the --archive option to the switch-xlog command, in order to help users during the installation process of a new server.

For a complete list of changes, see the "Release Notes" section below.


Release notes

  • Add --archive and --archive-timeout options to switch-xlog command
  • Preliminary support for PostgreSQL 10 (#73)
  • Minor additions:
    • Add last archived WAL info to 'diagnose' output
    • Add start time and execution time to the output of 'delete' command
  • Minor bug fixes:
    • Return failure for 'get-wal' command on inactive server
    • Make 'streaming_archiver_names' and 'streaming_backup_name' options global (#57)
    • Fix rsync failures due to files truncated during transfer (#64)
    • Correctly handle compressed history files (#66)
    • Avoid de-referencing symlinks in 'pg_tblspc' when preparing recovery (#55)
    • Fix comparison of last archiving failure (#40, #58)
    • Avoid failing recovery if postgresql.conf is not writable (#68)
    • Fix output of 'replication-status' command (#56)
    • Exclude files from backups like pg_basebackup (#65, #72)
    • Exclude directories from other Postgres versions while copying tablespaces (#74)



Barman (Backup and Recovery Manager) is an open-source administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers written in Python. It allows your organisation to perform remote backups of multiple servers in business critical environments to reduce risk and help DBAs during the recovery phase.

Barman is distributed under GNU GPL 3 and maintained by 2ndQuadrant.

Full View / NID: 62775 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

12.26.2016 - Support for PostgreSQL 9.5 and 9.6 in dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL

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Devart has released a new version of dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL – a powerful and easy to use tool for table data comparison and synchronization.

Devart, a Czech software provider of database connectivity solutions and tools for database management and development, announced the release of dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL that comes with support for PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6, redesigned Comparison Document, and with the new Document Categories feature.

Data Compare for PostgreSQL has the following new features and improvements:

  • Support for PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6
  • Comparison document has been completely redesigned
  • New JSON View and redesigned XML view in Data Editor and Viewer window
  • Ability to assign categories for documents from different connections
  • New installation wizard and redesigned skins
  • New easy to use trial product activation

dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL is a Postgre Data Diff and Sync tool that allows users to review all the differences in tables being compared and execute an automatically generated script to remove these differences.

For more information about dbForge Data Compare for PostgreSQL, please visit

About Devart

Devart is one of the leading developers of database tools and administration software, ALM solutions, data providers for various database servers, data integration and backup solutions. The company also implements Web and Mobile development projects.

Learn more about Devart at

Full View / NID: 62630 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

12.16.2016 - pgDay Asia 2017 is CFP is Open

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

Following the success of first pan-Asia Postgres event - pgDay Asia 2016 held in March 2016, we are pleased to announce pgDay Asia 2017 to be held in Singapore. The conference will be held along with FOSSASIA - one of the largest FOSS conference on the planet. pgDay Asia will be PostgreSQL conference series for all PostgreSQL enthusiasts in the Asia Pacific region.

For more details on FOSSASIA check FOSSASIA 2017 website

So, you will be able to enjoy one of the largest PostgreSQL conference in Asia and one of the largest FOSS conferences to meet new friends in Asia in the same week!

We would also like to open Call For Paper for pgDay Asia 2017. Some of the topics which can be used for submitting a talk are- 1. Migration projects 2. Performance troubleshooting and tuning 3. noSQL and geo-spatial features of Postgres 4. Unique use-case and customer stories 5. Postgres internals and their value for end users

For some examples you can refer to the papers which were presented at last year's event

Of course we are happy to receive proposal for talk on other PostgreSQL related topics as well.

To submit you proposal for presentation please go to this submission link


Friday, March 17th - Postgres Talks at pgDay Asia Saturday, March 18th - pgDay 2017 at FOSSASIA 2017


To be Announced

Important Dates

2016-12-16: Proposals acceptance begins 2017-01-16: Proposals acceptance ends 2017-01-20: Authors of accepted proposals contacted

If you need any additional information please contact our team at

Let's meet many PG and FOSS folks in Singapore!

This conference is organized by the PostgreSQL people from Asian communities (You can see the list on the web site). If you have any question, feel free to contact us on The finances and local logistics for pgDay Asia 2016 are being handled by Ashnik Pte Ltd, Singapore this year.

As always, this event will not be possible without generous sponsorship and support from many different organizations. We will be soon sharing details of sponsorship opportunities at pgDay Asia 2017.

Full View / NID: 62570 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

12.16.2016 - Registration for FOSDEM PGDay 2017 is now open!

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Registration for the FOSDEM PGDay 2017 in Brussels is now open.

FOSDEM PGDay 2017 is a one day, one track conference which is held as an extension to the PostgreSQL activities at FOSDEM. It takes place on Ferbruary 3rd in the Brussels Marriott hotel.

Registration for the FOSDEM PGDay 2017 is required. Registration for FOSDEM itself or the PostgreSQL Devroom at FOSDEM is not required.

More information on the event, venue and schedule as well as registration can be found here:

Full View / NID: 62569 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

11.25.2016 - FOSDEM PGDay 2017 & FOSDEM Devroom Call for Papers

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FOSDEM PGDay 2017 is a one day conference held this year on February 3rd followed immediately by the two day FOSDEM conference in Brussels at which we'll be hosting additional sessions on February 5th.

For more information on FOSDEM PGDay, please see:

For more information on FOSDEM, please see:

The call for papers for both the PGDay and FOSDEM Devroom has now been extended until midnight CET, 4th December. If you would like to submit a talk, please see the website:

Talks may be on any topic related to PostgreSQL in some way. Suggested topic areas include:

  • Developing applications with or for PostgreSQL
  • Administering large scale PostgreSQL installations
  • Case studies and/or success stories of PostgreSQL deployments (or interesting failures)
  • PostgreSQL tools and utilities
  • PostgreSQL internals hacking
  • Community and local user groups
  • Tuning and performance improvements
  • Migration from other database systems
  • Scaling, Clustering and High Availability
  • Replication
  • Recovery and Backup strategies
  • Benchmarking and hardware
  • PostgreSQL related products
  • DevOps and continuous deployment/configuration/integration around PostgreSQL

Of course, we're happy to receive proposals for talks on other PostgreSQL related topics as well.

NOTE: Please submit talks through our website for both the PGDay and FOSDEM Devroom. DO NOT use the FOSDEM Pentabarf system as we are notmanaging the PostgreSQL talks though it.

The PostgreSQL Europe team will also have a table throughout the FOSDEM event; please feel free to stop by to chat with us about PostgreSQL and pickup some swag!

Full View / NID: 62283 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

11.22.2016 - DbWrench Database Design 4.0 Released

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Version 4.0 of DbWrench is now available for download.

This release marks the switch from version 3 to version 4 of the product cycle. This release focused on the complete replacement of the editor code complete framework. We believe the new code complete framework is more compact and much more responsive. Also the look and styling for the database documentation has been improved.

It is our hope that these improvement will make DbWrench easier to use and make you more productive.

A free trial download of this latest version is available at

Thank you for your continued support of our product!

Full View / NID: 62248 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

11.21.2016 - Launch of the Israel PostgreSQL Community Website

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We are pleased to announce the launch of The Israel PostgreSQL Community website.

Our goal is to promote PostgreSQL knowledge and usage in Israel by collaboration of all interested in it users.

The site will publish PostgreSQL global and regional community news and events.

We will promote PostgreSQL usage among students and pupils by providing lectures in colleges and high schools. We'll be glad for any help from the community for any relevant presentation content that can be useful for those populations.

There is a forum with variety of topics and blog section with relevant posts.

We are going to organize PGDAY at the beginning of the next year in Israel.

We are calling all PostgreSQL users in Israel to join effort and build strong and valuable community.

We initiated the process of product documentation translation. This is the time consuming process and we'll be glad if other users will be able to help us.

Please visit us at

Full View / NID: 62229 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

11.15.2016 - E-Maj 2.0.0 released

View PostgreSQL-Press related news.

I am proud to announce the 2.0.0 version of E-Maj.

E-Maj is a PostgreSQL extension which enables fine-grained write logging and time travel on subsets of the database.

This new version supports PostgreSQL 9.1+ versions. It is now installed as a native postgres extension. The new "E-Maj rollback consolidation" feature brings more flexibility while the use of event triggers brings more reliability. The E-Maj phpPgAdmin plugin has been improved as well to use these new features.

The core extension is available at or It includes a general presentation and a detailed documentation. The phpPgAdmin plugin is also available at

Have fun with E-Maj !

Full View / NID: 62171 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

11.11.2016 - Amazon RDS now supports PostgreSQL 9.6.1

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Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL now supports the next major release of the PostgreSQL open source database, version 9.6.1. New features include parallel query, phrase search, and improvements to performance and usability. With this release, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL also supports the bloom and pg_visibility extensions.

You can create a new Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 9.6.1 database instance with just a few clicks from the AWS Management Console or you can upgrade an existing PostgreSQL 9.5 database instance using point-and-click upgrade. Upgrading from version 9.3 and 9.4 requires you to perform a point-and-click upgrade to the next major version, reaching version 9.5 before upgrading to 9.6.1. Each upgrade operation involves a short period of unavailability for your database instance. Learn more about upgrading your database instances from the Amazon RDS User Guide.

Visit the product page to learn more about Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

Full View / NID: 62119 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

11.03.2016 - JDBC 1212 Released

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The JDBC group is pleased to announce the release.

Notable fixes

  • ? can now be used in non-prepared statements (fixed regression of 9.4.1210)

Thanks to all of the contributors

Full View / NID: 61989 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron

11.01.2016 - PostgreSQL Magazine presents : The Paper Elephant #01

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The PostgreSQL Magazine project is back with an original concept named The Paper Elephant : a folded newspaper with a dynamic look & feel.

As always the content comes directly from the community ! In this first issue, we gathered articles from key members of the PostgreSQL project: Josh Berkus talks about the new version numbering scheme,
Hans-Jürgen Schönig writes about performance and Craig Kierstens an overview of JSON, JSONB and hstore. You'll also find an interview of Paul Ramsey from the PostGIS project.

The Paper Elephant is an independent media edited by and for the PostgreSQL Community. This issue was created with the financial help of PostgreSQL Europe and many benevolent contributors ( witers, editors, reviewers ). Kudos to all of them.

Just like the name says, The Paper Elephant is a "paper first" media: it is designed to be printed out and distributed during events (conferences, meetups, etc.) to promote PostgreSQL.

The first edition will be available at PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2016, Paris Open Source Summit 2016 and FOSDEM 2017. If you want to distribute the magazine at a local IT event, please Contact Us !

If you want a glimpse of the newspaper, you can download the PDF version here:

The Paper Elephant is an open and community-driven project. Joins us at

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