The Belfast Christmas 'mark-up' or market is now built and we have captured most of the build from our office window. The Replify office is in a prime location in Belfast overlooking the City hall and Christmas market.
Full View / NID: 56912 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
Happy Halloween from Replify! We like to think we have some Halloween magic in the Replify product - we call it our hocus pocus secret sauce and its what makes Replify so good.
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It's Back to the Future Day - the date Marty McFly programmed his Delorean time-machine to travel to in Back to the Future II.
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Replify competed against over 20 Belfast businesses to win the title of Belfast's Brainiest Business!
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A world record that was set this weekend by some engineering students at our local university who built a 100ft bridge made from Meccano. As well as breaking a world record, this task was also meant to showcase how fun STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) subjects can be for children who might like to pursue this for a career and to highlight Northern Ireland's long history of achievement in this arena.
Full View / NID: 56030 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
I've just returned from a very successful visit to an OEM partner from foreign climes. We've worked with this partner for some time, mainly via email as they are in a different time zone from us, however it is always good to get some face to face time.
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It wasn't that long ago, a year or two that I went back into my old secondary school to give a careers talk on software and engineering. Its a bit of a stuffy all girls school and I hated every minute of it. When people said 'school days are the best of your life' I often thought there wasn't much point living past 18 as it couldn't have got much worse!
Full View / NID: 55640 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
Like an elephant's memory, the Replify 'memory' or cache saves data in little chunks. When you visit the same data more than once, the software checks to see if it has this in its cache and if it does, a reference is sent to that chunk of data. This means that you reduce bandwidth and speed up access times!
Full View / NID: 55529 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
A news story this week about a police force only investigating burglaries at odd-numbered houses caused outrage amongst some people here in the U.K
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As you are undoubtedly aware, Windows 10 has been released this week which may be exciting for some. Personally I'm not that bothered. My personal preference has been for Linux and always has been since I bought my first home computer in 1999.
Full View / NID: 55339 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
Replify don't believe in paying over the odds for water, in the same way we think you shouldn't have to pay massive prices for WAN Optimisation products.
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With all the recent hard work around our new release, I nearly forgot to tell you about my holiday in Luxembourg. For our non-European readers, Luxembourg is a small but wealthy country in the heart of Europe that lies in between Belgium, France and Germany. As a place to visit it is very picturesque and has quite an interesting history. More importantly it has lots of nice places to eat and drink too!
Full View / NID: 55139 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
Its that time of year again in Northern Ireland known as the 'silly season'. The Twelfth of July is a public holiday here which is probably the most contentious day of the year and get us all bad press.
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A flotilla of around 50 Tall ships have arrived in Belfast for the Belfast Titanic Maritime Festival. Replify is no stranger to ships. We have customers using the Replify WAN optimisation technology on boats and ships already.
Full View / NID: 54918 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
We always like to announce the release of a new software version at Replify and its now that time again - the new version 4.4.0, is a major release along with a few features that will improve the level of optimisation when optimising the internet
Full View / NID: 54810 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
This month is the Belfast Photo Festival and we were lucky enough at Replify to have a replica of a Delorean parked in the grounds of Belfast City Hall right outside our office window. This replica is covered in photographs of parts of the Delorean.
Full View / NID: 54575 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
This month is the 30th anniversary of the Delorean so for Belfast Photograph Festival we were lucky enough at Replify to have a replica of a Delorean parked in the grounds of Belfast City Hall right outside our office window.
Full View / NID: 54563 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
Replify pipped at the post by AllState NI in Belfast Business Awards for Best Company to work for
Full View / NID: 54370 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
We have been really busy at Replify preparing our next release (due shortly for those that want to upgrade - details to follow) so have been very tardy in making our public congratulations on the latest Royal birth of Princess Charlotte. So welcome to the world Princess Charlotte from everyone at Replify.
Full View / NID: 54285 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
Replify entered the category of 'Best Company to work for' and have been shortlisted into the top 5 companies along with Adventures Day Nursery, Allstate, Cleaver Fulton Rankin and Connect Telecom.
Full View / NID: 53972 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron