I'm sure you're all been following the news that Debian Wheezy will be released in the next few weeks (ok, maybe not).
This is the newest distribution of Debian Linux and the upcoming version of Replify Accelerator will use it as the basis of its virtual appliance.
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A leading UK IT Managed Services company is now using Replify Accelerator along with their Netapp appliances for backup replication. The combination means that windows back-ups are eliminated and the recovery time for data protection is significantly improved over the WAN.
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I've just spent a week with a new PC which shipped with Windows 8. At first I tried to "get" it, and embrace the changes. That wasn't working for me.
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Today is World Malbec Day. Why do we care? Well because Malbec is the official grape of Replify!
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A few weeks ago I blogged on the extraordinary "squeezing" of the WOC appliance enabled by the current generation of micro-server devices such as the Raspberry Pi, Cubox, Odroid, Beagle etc. Recently my eye was caught by an article on a new generation of system-on-chip devices developed by a team at the University of Pisa lead by Dr Paolo Flir.
Full View / NID: 44833 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
It’s time we made a new major software release from Replify and this one is definitely worth waiting for. It’s due for release in May 2013 and covers a couple of important themes for the WAN Optimization market: delivering a variety of clients for wan optimization “on-the-go” and CLAN.
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I've blogged in the past on the portability of the Replify technology and the power it packs into a small resource footprint, but every so often I'm amazed myself at what we can do. I bought a Raspberry Pi as soon as they were launched, but with pressures of work my plans of turning it into a home automation system made little progress.
Full View / NID: 44562 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
I'm going off-message this week: nothing to do with WAN Optimization, Application Acceleration, Virtual Appliances or CLAN. Instead I'm going to talk about upright desks
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It's been a few years since I lived a life on the road. I can't say I miss it: planes, trains and automobiles are remarkable pieces of technology and the world is a rich and varied place, but most business travel is just time spent in an uncomfortable seat torn between the desire to work and the desire to anaethsetize yourself into dozy rest.
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The boys (Sean) in the lab (Sean's desk) have been busy over the last few weeks porting Replify Accelerator to a tablet
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Ok, so time for my predictions for 2013. Based on a fair success rate for last year, I'm going to be bold...
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HP is getting traction with its rather good cloud service platform, so we've signed up as an HP Cloud Services Partner - you can use us to overcome any of WAN performance issues which are otherwise deterring you from migrating your infrastructure to their cloud.
Full View / NID: 44109 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
Ensuring your data is backed up and safe from outages is an important task but one that most of us [...]
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I've had some bad experiences recently with companies to whom I had felt strong loyalty, and I'm left wondering whether the much quoted figures about the cost of retaining a customer versus the cost of winning one, have been forgotten, or have changed in the new economy.
Full View / NID: 43948 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
Mike Harmon at Harmon.ie drew my attention to a fun video they've put together: Don't SharePoint while walking. Nicely done.
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I've been commenting on the rise of SDN for a few months now but I'm well aware how few people have got their heads around the concept so I thought it was time I came up with an analogy and then did my usual trick of flogging it to death.
Full View / NID: 43880 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
I received one of the periodic product updates from Riverbed today. They continue with the baffling strategy of trying to sell you WAN Optimization Appliance that allows you to run VMWare images on it.
Full View / NID: 43653 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
There are few things more appealing than an elegant solution to a problem. Two of the most interesting architectural problems of the renaissance related to domes on buildings.
Full View / NID: 43617 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
It can't be coincidence that "Trade Show" is an anagram of "Sweat Hord". This week saw the annual IP Expo event at Earl's Court in London and there were indeed hords and sweat. Some of the sweat was mine.
Full View / NID: 43584 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron
There are many many Mac users out there who love their Macbook and we have good news for them - we're just about to ship a Replify Accelerator Client for Mac. And just to balance things out, we're simultaneously going to ship a client for Linux.
Full View / NID: 43450 / Submitted by: The Zilla of Zuron