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  VPC related Technical Updates [Page: 1 of 1] @ TACKtech Corp.  

10.05.2007 - MS07-049 - Important: Vulnerability in Virtual PC and Virtual Server Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (937986)

View VPC related news. Bulletin Severity Rating: Important - A security issue has been identified that could allow elevation of privilege on virtual machines running Virtual PC 2004 SP1. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
Full View / NID: 18410 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

08.14.2007 - MS07-049 - Important: Vulnerability in Virtual PC and Virtual Server Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (937986)

View VPC related news. Bulletin Severity Rating:Important - This important security update resolves one privately reported vulnerability. This is an elevation of privilege vulnerability. The vulnerability in Microsoft Virtual PC and Microsoft Virtual Server could allow a guest operating system user to run code on
Full View / NID: 17166 / Submitted by: The Spirit of Zuron

02.19.2007 - Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 1.0

View VPC related news. Use Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 to run multiple operating systems at the same time on the same physical computer. Switch between virtual machines with the click of a button. Use virtual machines to run legacy applications, provide support, train users, and enhance quality assurance.
Full View / NID: 14881 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

10.12.2004 - Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

View VPC related news. Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 Service Pack 1 (SP1) contains the latest software updates for Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 that improve the reliability, performance and manageability of Virtual PC. Updates have been made to improve the performance of Windows XP Service Pack 2 as a guest in Virtual PC, to improve the manageability of virtual machines when used with SMS 2003 Service Pack 1, and to provide support for running Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition as the host operating system.
Full View / NID: 4251 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

02.11.2004 - MS04-005 : Vulnerability in Virtual PC for Mac could lead to privilege elevation (835150)

View VPC related news. A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Virtual PC for Mac. The vulnerability exists because of the method by which Virtual PC for Mac creates a temporary file when you run Virtual PC for Mac. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by inserting malicious code into the file which could cause the code to be run with system privileges. This could give the attacker complete control over the system.
Full View / NID: 2252 / Submitted by: Travis

01.14.2004 - Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 Trial

View VPC related news. Virtual PC for Windows is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems and applications on a single workstation resulting in reduced hardware costs and improved productivity.
Full View / NID: 2073 / Submitted by: Travis

11.10.2003 - Microsoft: Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 to Manufacturing To Ease Customer Migration to Windows XP

View VPC related news. REDMOND, Wash. -- Nov. 10, 2003 -- Microsoft Corp. today announced the release to manufacturing (RTM) of Microsoft® Virtual PC 2004, a desktop virtual machine solution to help technical professionals migrate legacy applications to Windows® XP. Scheduled to be available by the end of 2003, Microsoft Virtual PC offers customers a cost-effective safety net to ease their migration to Microsoft Windows XP Professional and a tool to help accelerate the development, testing, deployment and support of PC applications. Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 allows enterprise customers to run multiple operating systems on one PC, so employees can run critical legacy applications on an interim basis while information technology (IT) professionals proceed with the migration to Windows XP Professional.
Full View / NID: 1693 / Submitted by: Kevin

10.21.2003 - Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 for Windows to be released

View VPC related news. Virtual PC for Windows is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems and applications on a single workstation resulting in reduced hardware costs and improved productivity.
Full View / NID: 1539 / Submitted by: Travis

03.24.2003 - Connectix: Virtual PC 5.2 for Windows

View VPC related news. Virtual PC for Windows is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems and applications on a single workstation resulting in reduced hardware costs and improved productivity.
Full View / NID: 603 / Submitted by: Kevin

10.28.2002 - Connectix: Virtual PC 5.1 for Windows

View VPC related news. Virtual PC for Windows is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems and applications on a single workstation resulting in reduced hardware costs and improved productivity.
Full View / NID: 321 / Submitted by: Kevin

08.07.2002 - Connectix: Virtual PC 5.0 for Windows Trial

View VPC related news. Virtual PC for Windows is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems and applications on a single workstation resulting in reduced hardware costs and improved productivity.
Full View / NID: 171 / Submitted by: Kevin

08.05.2002 - Connectix: Virtual PC 5.0 for Windows Version

View VPC related news. Virtual PC for Windows is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems and applications on a single workstation resulting in reduced hardware costs and improved productivity.
Full View / NID: 168 / Submitted by: Kevin

04.29.2002 - Connectix: Virtual PC 4.3.2 for Windows

View VPC related news. Virtual PC for Windows is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems and applications on a single workstation resulting in reduced hardware costs and improved productivity.
Full View / NID: 112 / Submitted by: Kevin

06.26.2001 - Connectix: Virtual PC 4.0 for Windows

View VPC related news. Virtual PC for Windows is a powerful software virtualization solution that allows you to run multiple PC-based operating systems and applications on a single workstation resulting in reduced hardware costs and improved productivity.
Full View / NID: 43 / Submitted by: Kevin
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