07.27.2004 - 2entwine: Gush 1.1
Gush is a free, professional grade, cross-platform, instant messenger and newsreader contained in an aesthetically pleasing environment. Gush prides itself on being secure, full featured, and yet simple. Some people say its drop dead gorgeous but we're a bit more modest. Download Gush and find out what you've been missing.
Gush 1.1 has taken longer than expected, but it's finally here and in good shape. A big thank you to everyone who downloaded the two betas and the release candidate, and especially to everyone who reported bugs and suggestions for improvements.
The OS X release candidate had one glaring bug related to viewing images in the newsreader. This is the problem with only have one OS X machine lying around for development and testing. If you have a spare G5 dual 2.8GHz machine with 4GB RAM, 500GB of SATA RAID-5 storage that you're willing to donate, we'd be happy to give you a free version of Gush.
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NID: 14772 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
Communication and Messaging, Freeware
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