08.03.2007 - Slysoft, Inc.: CloneDVD mobile
CloneDVD mobile converts your DVD movies quickly and easily into a format that your mobile equipment (Sony PSP, Apple iPod Video, iAudio X5, Creative Labs ZEN Vision, etc) can play. You can also convert your DVDs to other file formats, such as DivX, XviD, AVI, MP4, etc.
Incorporating the user-friendly interface of Elby's CloneDVD and the well-engineered open source project FFmpeg as the conversion engine makes CloneDVD mobile a fast, easy-to-use and quality product that is very reasonably priced.
Copying a DVD to your mobile video machine is achieved in a few mouse clicks and without the need to rip it to your hard-disk.
- fix: with some titles (Starwars episodes and others) not all
subtitles would show
- fix: A/V sync problem with new AVC PSP/PS3 modes on NTSC content
- fix: enabled resolutions not divisible by 4 but by 2 for the
Archos 704 Wifi, to enforce max. resolution of 800x450
instead of the faulty 800x452
- new: added generic 3gp with amr narrow band audio for various
cell phone types
- new: added generic WMV/WMA support (experimental).
note that this profile has been tested and proved to be
working most, but not all the time. Experience reports
(positive or negative) with different mobile devices using
WMV are welcome on forum.slysoft.com!
- several minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
- Download CloneDVD mobile (Direct Link)
- Purchase CloneDVD mobile ($39.00 USD)
- View Additional Information
- View Revision History
- Visit Slysoft, Inc.
NID: 17384 / Submitted by: Olmari
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Slysoft, Inc.: CloneDVD mobile
Slysoft, Inc.: CloneDVD mobile
Slysoft, Inc.: CloneDVD mobile
Slysoft, Inc.: CloneDVD mobile
Slysoft, Inc.: CloneDVD mobile
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