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10.17.2002 - MS02-059: Flaw in Word Fields and Excel External Updates Could Lead to Information Disclosure (330008)

View Microsoft-Office related news. It is possible to maliciously use field codes and external updates to secretly steal information from a user. Certain events can trigger the external update and the field code to be updated: for example, when the user saves a document or manually updates the links. Typically, the user is aware of these updates when they occur. However, a specially crafted field code or external update can be used to trigger an update without any indication to the user. This can permit an attacker to create a document that, when opened, updates itself to include the contents of a file from the user's local computer.

- View Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-059
- View Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 330008
- Visit Microsoft Corporation

NID: 302 / Submitted by: Travis
Categories: Microsoft, Patches and Updates
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