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04.22.2010 - Executive Software: Diskeeper 2010 14.0.903.0

View DiskeeperCorporation related news. For nearly twenty years, Diskeeper Corporation has been at the forefront of performance and reliability improvement through automatic defragmentation. NEW Diskeeper 10 is the culmination of years of research and development—and it's taking system performance to new heights!

Diskeeper is an automatic disk defragmenter that features scheduling and a high level of configuration ability, and can defragment even critical system files. Fragmentation occurs during normal Windows operation, as files are broken up in pieces and saved on different parts of the hard disk. This increases the amount of time it takes to access single files, and bogs down system performance.

- Download Diskeeper 2010 (Trial Versions)
- Purchase Diskeeper 2010
- View Additional Information
- Visit Executive Software

NID: 33226 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team does not support the use of pirated software. Please, legally purchase the registered full version instead of using a "free" crack, keygen, registration code or serial number to a program that you have not paid for. You support future software development by not using cracks, keygens, illegally downloaded versions via .torrent files, or serial keys that are not your own.
Categories: Server Applications, System Utility, Trial Version
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