03.17.2005 - Magellass Corp.: WinBoost 4.90
WinBoost 4 is a special utility designed to boost Windows XP/2000/Millennium Edition (ME)/98 Second Edition/98/95 performance and productivity. Using easy to use graphical user interface you can configure hundreds of Windows hidden settings from Start Menu, Desktop, Windows Explorer, Internet Explorer, etc.
Something that you couldn't do on regular operations. Also, you will get hundreds of selected Windows Tips & Tricks (available in WinBoost full version).
- Download WinBoost (Trial Version)
- Purchase WinBoost ($29 USD)
- View Latest Release
- View Additional Information
- Visit Magellass Corp.
NID: 5943 / Submitted by: Magellass Corp.
TACKtech.com does not support the use of pirated software. Please, legally purchase the registered full version instead of using a "free" crack, keygen, registration code or serial number to a program that you have not paid for. You support future software development by not using cracks, keygens, illegally downloaded versions via .torrent files, or serial keys that are not your own. |
System Utility, Trial Version
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