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04.30.2003 - MS02-071: Flaw in Windows WM_TIMER Message Handling Can Enable Privilege Elevation (328310) - Updated

View Microsoft related news. Windows messages provide a way for interactive processes to react to user events (such as keystrokes or mouse movements) and communicate with other interactive processes. The WM_TIMER message is sent at the expiration of a timer, and it can be used to cause a process to run a timer callback function. This message may create a security vulnerability because it is possible for one process in the interactive desktop to use a WM_TIMER message to cause another process to run a callback function at the address of its choice, even if the second process did not set a timer. If that second process has higher privileges than the first process, this would provide the first process with a way of exercising the functions.

- Download Windows NT Patch (03.17.2003)
- View Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-071
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NID: 692 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
Categories: Microsoft, Patches and Updates
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