Adobe's combination of PDF, XML and productive use of J2EE, creates Intelligent Documents that can dynamically interact with core applications and integrate people into business processes. This article describes a joint solution by Adobe and IBM that enables interprises to communicate more effectively, automate document-based processes, access systems offline, and share information securely.
Full View / NID: 5002 / Submitted by: Shellie
The new IBM Toolbox subscription, now includes the industry's first customizable CD option for developers to access exactly the tools they need from IBM's extensive software collection.
The Toolbox subscription offers WebSphere Studio products at significant savings (40%-50% off stand-alone product price) AND includes a comprehensive range of IBM middleware, and technologies from WebSphere, WebSphere Studio, DB2, Lotus, and Tivoli for development and test purposes. New product licensing supports single-user development and test use of IBM application development tools, middleware and servers, including IBM WebSphere Studio.
Full View / NID: 614 / Submitted by: Shellie
You want to begin developing Web Services?... well here's and easy way to get started. Get the latest development tools from IBM Web Services development labs from arround the world, by ordering the free Web services Software Evaluation Kit. Get a fresh collection of Web services articles and tutorials on the SEK CDs, and learn about everything from the basics of SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, to the latest techologies in the Web Services stack such as workflow, security, and attachments.
Full View / NID: 552 / Submitted by: Shellie